Plants leaves yellowing, help!


Well-Known Member
also part was burnt on the lesf by light a while ago thats why it looks a lil deformed, but the leaves seem really pale


Active Member
your plants r starting to consume itself for nutrients it's lacking are you giving nitrogen? looks like a N def


Active Member
also since 4-5 plants are doin it it must either be soil/environment/nute issue r u giving to much nutes


Well-Known Member
defintley not enough nutes then i say cause these plants are eating them up and grew quite the size, getting a 7-4-0 bonemeal today also got a 30-10-10 soil may repot soon


Well-Known Member
don't use those ferts. the bonemeal will take too long to be absorbed. the other one is too hot.
you want to use a fert for potting soil, one you find in a hydro store or you can use a cheaper one like Schultz. just go easy with it.


Well-Known Member
ahh maybe thats what it is then because ive been using promix 30-10-10 veg and herb on them all but its usually fine till a month or more in


Well-Known Member
thinking of grabbing dynagro fp or ff grow big too leaning more towards dyna gro nut not 100% as want to make sure plant havw a great taste at end of the season, and rhanks for advice on bone/blood meal wasnt sure how long would take to absorb


Well-Known Member
if that Schultz isn't too old you might use it, but if you have loaded the soil with fert, you might wait a while. dynagro is good. just don't fert for the last week or two, nothing but water to get the fert levels down.


Well-Known Member
yeah im not 100% sure when to wait to feed next, the yellowing hasnt grow out more leafs anymore also i used a little bone/blood meal round a tsp per plant and one drop of schultz in 2 ltr of water so should fix whatevers going on eventually, but if the 30-10-10 is too hot soil too ill let it eat whats in the soil before i even give it a lil dyna gro, may order a decent sized bottle of it if its makes some good results atleast


Well-Known Member
alright thanks for the advice man, yeah was thinking of repotting i think theyrr only 1-3 gals not 100% sure, got some 10-20 gals though largest and cheapest could find around my area being pots arent worth a whole lot to me could dig holes in the woods too

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong with 30 -10 -10 its same as 3- 1- 1 it will work excellent just mix it accordingly start of small amounts and work it up here is 30 - 10 -10 seedlings IMG755.jpgIMG783.jpg IMG788.jpg


Well-Known Member
thanks man, yeah theyre doing great a little yellowing slightly probably needs repotting from the 1 cause a couple are now in 5 gals and all 1.5ft indica first outdoor gro


Well-Known Member
alright thanks man, and yeah since the transplant the 5 gals seem to atleast make it grow more out the nodes, ill show few pics of the babys soon here