plants look underwatered and nitrogen deficient is my ph the problem or is it something else

Nate Dogg

Well-Known Member
So i just brought my plants outside from indoors first it was the blue dreams i transplanted then all of the bds that werent transplanted then everything started doing it now everything is drooping looking like theyre underwatered and even like they have a nitrogen deficiency(yellow leaves and red stemming) and i just gave them nutes i ph my water and it was 7.5 wich i know is to high so im starting to correct the ph before i water. So im mainly wondering is it the ph thats making them look horrible or do i have something else going wrong. Im even about to get my soil tested to see if the ph is off or something else wrong. Any help would be highly appreciated im at the point of ripping my hair out cause my garden that i invested everything i have is looking like shit and i dont know what im doing wrong


Well-Known Member
The drooping could very well be transplant shock and the yellowing could be from nitrogen deficiency. Pics and more details like grow medium would help a lot man

Nate Dogg

Well-Known Member
Ill try and get some pics up but ones i even didnt transplant are doing it. we even hit everything with age old and super thrive but still nothing im using empire builder as my meduim im using 150 gal smart pots for the ones transplanted and the ones that haven't are in 2 gal pots but they both look just as bad im thinking my ph is to high or maybe theyre not liking the cold at night at all theyre drooping like theyre underwatered but the soil is nice and moist and its like theyre not absorbing any of the nutrients we also used R.O. organism XL before we transplanted

Fast dog

Well-Known Member
Need help fast my seedling are dieing all but 1 is ok

240w led
Ph 6.8
Temps steady 25 degrees
Light about 18 inch away
Was in bio bizz light mix for 10 days now pot up into all mix
They have stunted and it's all going bad I water every other day when the soil is dry what's going on need answers fast

Fast dog

Well-Known Member
I know it's mute burnt but it's 2 weeks old and hasn't grown compared to one of um which is under same condition

Fast dog

Well-Known Member
I know it's mute burnt but it's 2 weeks old and hasn't grown compared to one of um which is under same condition

Joint Monster

Well-Known Member
Drop your PH to 6.5. This will also allow you to get a little more nitrogen.
Easy on the nutes.

It may be stunted, so it will take a little bit to get back to growing again (since you were comparing it to the other pheno you have).

As well that soil looks awfully wet to me. Don't over water the soil. And water more often (only when the soil feels dry). Eventually you will be able to tell from the weight of the container.


Well-Known Member
looks like you put this in soil that has fertilizer in it, which is too strong. the brown leaf death and stunted growth are due to the same thing, too much fert. you want to put seedlings in soil and doesn't have any fert to it in small container, then transplant to soil that has fert in it later. chances are the pH is already kind of low and there really isn't anything you can do about it now because it's the fert content that lowers the pH and since fert is already in the soil, there's nothing you can about it now except flush water through the soil and see if it helps.

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Nate when moving plants from indoors to outdoors you should slowing introduce them to the outdoor/sun. Its know as hardening off. Straight from in to out can stress them.

Nate Dogg

Well-Known Member
Nate when moving plants from indoors to outdoors you should slowing introduce them to the outdoor/sun. Its know as hardening off. Straight from in to out can stress them.
I acclamated them as best i could it just doesn't get as cold when they were vegged under art light im gunna hit them with some silica blast but i really think my ph is the problem i just tested and its to high im gunna have to adjust

Fast dog

Well-Known Member
They were going yellow before I put them into a fert soil I know about the newt burn I just want to know why there going yellow and why the new growth is yellow


Well-Known Member
" watering every other day " ???

Nute burn plus over watered. NO MORE NUTES and allow soil to surface dry at least 4-5 days between. That container will hold moisture for a while before needing more.