Plants month old, check em out


Well-Known Member
Plants are a month and couple weeks old, growth was stunted for like first 2 weeks due to an idiotic mistake by me, but correct and now seem to be growing fine. So there are 2 of them and i wonder how they are doing, how much longer do i have, should I top now, and whatever other info you can give me

Plant 1:

Plant 2:


New Member
Looking Good! Yes it looks like they are ready to be topped. What size are those pots? They look like 1 gal. If so I suggest topping, waiting a few days for them to adjust and then transplanting into your finishing pot. After they adjust to that they should be about ready to top again. As far as how long they have to go that is totally up to you. You can put them in flowering anytime. The rule of thumb is to be mindful of the height you have available. They will grow about double in height once flowering is induced. Also for your finishing pot you want it to hold 1 gal of soil for every foot in height you want them when they are done. Good Luck!


Active Member
theyre both at a good size now to top them at anytime, use your grow space to determine how you want your plants.


New Member
You have plenty of room in your tent to let them veg out for quite a while. If they are the only 2 left you can top them a couple of more times after those first 2 I mentioned before. Max the yield. You also may want to think about LST when they get into the finishing pot. Did you ever get that ballast outta there?


Well-Known Member
No temperature hasn't been an issue anymore so ballast is still in there, it should be chill till last jan so shouldnt be an issue, stays in mid 70s. if temp becomes an issue ill move it, waiting on a better fan to come in tho, then ill turn the 240 into an intake and the 450 i have incoming into an exhaust and still create the negative pressue. yeah but they are growing beautiful which is surplussing for root organics 707 and only 2 feedings of nutes. I love it man


Active Member
looks good to me, I wouldnt top them yet. I topped mine right before flower.. my plant kinda looked like that too. short and bushy :)


Active Member
looks good to me, I wouldnt top them yet. I topped mine right before flower.. my plant kinda looked like that too. short and bushy :)
i'd say it's better to top them 2 weeks minimum before flowering stage, it'll give it time to strengthen it's 2 new main stems.. you don't want to stun her just before she starts her flowering no :idea: