Ok so this is my first grow and I have five plants in my closet right now (you can see my journal for my complete setup if you care) and they are on their 16th day of 12/12. 4 of my five plants are not (or at least i think they are not) showing any signs of flowering! My one plant that is flowering, I am 98% sure is male, at many of the nodes there are 3 or 4 balls growing so i believe it is male. (i included a picture of the males balls so you can see for yourself but its really blurry and might be useless) What is really confusing me is this, on the nodes of most of my female plants green things that look a lot like female preflowers they even have 2 things sticking out of them but there are a few things that make me think they aren't preflowers, first what would be the calyx appears to be made of layers of little leafs instead of one piece like picture show it and what would be the hairs sticking out look green and like the tips of leaves not white hairs. the biggest thing that makes me almost positive they aren't preflowers is that over the past few days they have opened up into leaves. I think they are just new growth tips coming out not preflowers and if they are not preflowers then there are no other preflowers of any type on them except at a node or two where a tiny green dot has formed but its only at a node or two so that seems strange. It just seems too coincidental that they have 2 things poking out of them and all four of my none flowering plants are covered with these new "growth tips" and my plant which i'm sure is male isn't growing a single new growth tip. I have included pictures but they are a little blurry because my phone cant take any better close-ups. Just so you know the first pic is the best I could get of my male plants balls, pictures 2,4,8,9 are all of the growth tips/preflowers picture 3 is of the growth tip/preflower bloomed and the others of just my plants (front left is the male) and my plants are 1 month 3 weeks old I'm just so confused please help
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