Plants now growing, yellow leaves with brown spots.


Active Member
hi this is my second grow attempt. the last grow all 5 of my bagseed plants turned out to be males. my luck.

This is my second attempt, so i purchased the highest quality seeds that i could find. all femenized from greenhouse and the likes. 6 of the seeds i ordered died or didnt germinate i only have 2 left that are still alive, i am losing 1 maybey both.

the smaller one has completly stopped growing entirely. the larger plant still seems to be growing slowly. they are about 4 weeks old and i am using ionic grow hydro nutrients at half strength. these worked the last time but i do already have a 3 part mix availible for next grow.

unfortunately i cannot afford a PPM or TDS meter at the moment so i am having to guess and just use the recommended dosages on the bottle.

as you can see the leaves are turning yellow, lower leaves first and are drying and dying, which looks like it could be nutrient burn, but the leaves have brown spots and are curling upwards, which some posts suggested might be a magnesium defeciency. since i dont have a PPm meter this is quite the problem since both problems show similar traits to an novice grower like myself.

the burn marks on the larger plant are from the lights i know. the smaller is called the church and the larger is great white shark.

these are all i have, they must survive, save me......



Well-Known Member
How long have you been feeding them nutes. Were they showing signs that they need nutes before you starting feeding them? What is your medium, light, temps, humidity.How often are you watering and how often are you feeding with nutes? Why didnt your seeds germinate? What method did you use? We got to get you going man! Its really easy once you get it right. As far a pictures a thing you have to host them somewhere else.


Active Member
How long have you been feeding them nutes. Were they showing signs that they need nutes before you starting feeding them? What is your medium, light, temps, humidity.How often are you watering and how often are you feeding with nutes? Why didnt your seeds germinate? What method did you use? We got to get you going man! Its really easy once you get it right. As far a pictures a thing you have to host them somewhere else.
i been mixing in small amounts into thier hydro tubs that are 15 gallon i belive. i cant answer your questions about nutrient lvls since i dont have any way to judge how much they are getting with no meter. i have given them at least a drop in thier since they sprouted first leaves. hydroton and DWC bubbler is the tub.

a couple of the seeds didnt germinate cause the pod was stuck togeather and it never opened, i helped it open, but it never took root. it was a white widow :(

arjans strawberry haze died because i let the grodan dry out like the first day.

the himalayan gold died because i think i moved it to the hyrdo bubbler too early. i think the mega dry humidity at such an early age without a dome killed a couple. that was a mistake on my part.

about how long should i leave a dome on a new sprout? and how about clones? i seen people put 2 or 3 liter bottles over thier net cups in thier bubblers. ill remeber that next time. but for how long should i do that? and being under the lights will that cook them inside that dome?

what can i do to save my Church? thats the most attractive sounding high for what i am loooking for. it must survive. ill try and host some pics on another site.

thanks for feedback guys.


Well-Known Member
Are you checking your PH? I leave my seelings in the dome for a week or 2 no rush, they stay nice and humid and wont dry out.


No need to panic at the moment as they are still standing looking green no need to think about death. As you should know the humidity needs to be pretty high during veg. Did you wash your pebbles thouroughly before planting? Try giving them a clean flush to clean the pebbles aswell as the roots and gradually add nutes. You would want your ph around 5.8-6.2 Keep us posted with pics. :weed:


Active Member
No need to panic at the moment as they are still standing looking green no need to think about death. As you should know the humidity needs to be pretty high during veg. Did you wash your pebbles thouroughly before planting? Try giving them a clean flush to clean the pebbles aswell as the roots and gradually add nutes. You would want your ph around 5.8-6.2 Keep us posted with pics. :weed:
thanks for the response! ok, the PH of my solution is a solid 6.0 right now and has been pretty close to that most of the time.

something i forgot to mention earlier is we have EXTREMELY hard water where i live. as a novice to this, i really dont know what kinda impacts that has on growing and what i need to do special as a result of such hard water. since i am using 15 gallon tubs i cant afford that much distilled water every week or so.
so if there is something i need to keep in mind, let me know.

also, the humidity where i live is very high, but also very hot, so i run the air conditioner almost fulltime so it does dry out the air. humidity is usually around 40% with the lowest dipping into the high 30's with highs around 55. is this acceptable? good for flowering? good for veg? i really dont know. i have a nebulizer i was considering making a fogger out of, but i could maybey use to raise humidty if that would help. or a dehumidifer is that opposite is the problem.

sorry for so many question, i been at this for about 6 months now and i am loving it! i am learning heaps, and its really an awesome feeling to have a community like this full of people sharing ideas and advice. ill take pics of a large cabanet i am in the process of building!


Well-Known Member
so you are using tap water? Are you letting it sit out for a day or 2 before you use it?


Yeah I also reccomend you let your water sit out for 2 days and see the results if its clear still then it should be ok to use. During veg you want your humidity atleast 60-80% but your condition during flowering should be perfect because you have air conditioning running keeping them cool and a low humidity is prefered during flowering from 30-50% but never let them get too hot anything over 95*F is toast.

+rep. :peace:


Active Member
ok ill start leaving the water out. what looks like is the problem with them? what can i do? the little one hasnt grown a leaf in weeks, nothing. almost all his leaves are yellow now. what can i do?


Active Member
60-80% humidty for veg wow. damn how can i possibly get it that high? the highest i have ever seen it was 54%. i guess i could look into a humidifier. but thats not gonna fit well in a box hehe.


Active Member
they are getting worse. more yellowing lower leaves, more brown spots appearing on the tops of the healthiest leaves. and now the larger great white shark has completely stopped growing too. its roots have a gel-like clear goo on them. i have no idea what this means, but it doesnt look good. what can i do? leaving them be is only making them worse.


Its hard for me beacause im a soil grower. Your EC concentration of hydroponic solution is too high, many hydroponic gardeners see this problem. Its the beginning of nutriet burn. It indicates that the plants have all the nutrients they can possibly use, and there's a slight excess. Back off the concentration of the nutrient solution just a touch, and the problem should disappear. I said this before, have you done this?

This is from another post:

I flushed and assumed there were still nutes in the soil. WRONG, once my leaves started to yellow I knew it was a N deficiency, and the brown spots were a P and/or K deficiency. SO i prepared a weak solution and sprayed the leaves the next morning before turning my lights back on. I pruned the damage leaves to rid them of the spots and see if anymore showed up... within 3 days the leaves were green and no more spots appeared.


Active Member
thanks for the responses. the little one has lost most all of its leaves but its trying to make new roots, barely hanging by a thread. the larger great white seems to be starting to recover and making a new root structure. i expect to see him starting to grow over the next couple of days. take a look at my new grow cabinet i am building and tell me if its ok. the plants are in it now.


Active Member
Its hard for me beacause im a soil grower. Your EC concentration of hydroponic solution is too high, many hydroponic gardeners see this problem. Its the beginning of nutriet burn. It indicates that the plants have all the nutrients they can possibly use, and there's a slight excess. Back off the concentration of the nutrient solution just a touch, and the problem should disappear. I said this before, have you done this?

This is from another post:

I flushed and assumed there were still nutes in the soil. WRONG, once my leaves started to yellow I knew it was a N deficiency, and the brown spots were a P and/or K deficiency. SO i prepared a weak solution and sprayed the leaves the next morning before turning my lights back on. I pruned the damage leaves to rid them of the spots and see if anymore showed up... within 3 days the leaves were green and no more spots appeared.

I have a ??

i have a very similar problem, my plants look very similar to the ones on the original post. My seedlings are young about 3 & 1/2 weeks, just transplanted from rockwool cubes to hydro/aero setup. They were small, 6 inches on the biggest, maybe. This is my first grow btw. I have 6 plants. 4 are showing the symptoms. The first nute solution was high around 1200 ppm. A couple days later,5 days to be exact, i realized that 1200 was to much, did i mention this is my first grow? THe ph was high at first too around 6.5-7.0.

I changed the res. and now running 580-600ppm, the ph is 5.8-6.0. Im using a soil ph tester which i think is useless, it was 5 bucks, you get what you pay for. I am going to buy a good ph/temp meter tomorrow.

ALso some info, im using GH, micro,bloom, and flora nectar regular. is that a good mix? any reccomendations on GH mixes or using something else??

Its been maybe a few days since i changed the resevoir and i dont see changes. just seeing a little more brown tips. On some plants its on the lower older leaves and some its in the new.

I was wondering if i should just run straight water for a week in the res. then slowy add nutrients? ANY ADVICE would be much appreciated, my plants would love you too!!!

Could you help please!!??

room temp-78-80F, humidty-not sure probably low though, dry a/c air.