plants perk up overnight?

hater hurter

Active Member
okay, i am using the stealth hydro bubble systems and everyday when the lights come on the plants look great. they're extremely perky and tall. then after an hour or 2 they start drooping a little only to go back to perky the next morning after the lights have been off and it hasn't been fed in a while.

is this normal or a indication that a problem is starting?

there is no discoloring or cupping either up or down. they are around 12" tall plants given 3rd week dose of fox grow big which is 2 tbs per gallon. there is a little sm-90 in the mix(around 6ml) also for preventative measures.

i feed 3 times daily for 15 minutes while the lights are on. ph is around 6.3

any other info you might need just ask.

Illegal Smile

These are in veg? Why is the light off at all? Are you comparing heat and humdity in lights on and off?

hater hurter

Active Member
these are in veg and the lights are off for 6 hours on for 18.

temp is 78-82( it fluctuates) day with 35-38% humidtiy and night 65-70 with 40-45% humidity.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I prefer lights on 24 hours myself but the 18-6 is fine. Your using Fox Farm are you also giving them the Tiger abd big bllom which is needed also to make sure they get all thier needs and not just nitrogen? That said they will dropp some if its gets warm in thier make sure plenty of air is moving in there. the plants should be swaying from the fans air movement. Little droopy not an issue as heat will cause it but if they lean or the tops fall to the side then the issue is more then heat as soft stalks are indicators.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Good catch i missed his ph value but yes ph needs to be in the 5.5 to no more then 5.8 range at all times


New Member
Good catch i missed his ph value but yes ph needs to be in the 5.5 to no more then 5.8 range at all times
Gotta disagree. U need to let ur ph move up and down as different nutes are available more in different ph ranges. Imo for best uptake u need to let it fluctuate naturally. But I'm only on my first dwc


Mr I Can Do That For Half
The humidity will have nothing to do with it as you have it 35% plus which is fine as this is not a tropical plant. its mostly just due to temp changes but the high ph will make stress and fluid uptake less avaliable so that can cause some wilted sagging but definatly not the humidity. If the humidity was very high we could look at that in the form of heavy air with low o2 avalibility


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Gotta disagree. U need to let ur ph move up and down as different nutes are available more in different ph ranges. Imo for best uptake u need to let it fluctuate naturally. But I'm only on my first dwc
You would be absolutely wrong on that therorey. The ph flux due to the ppm to volume ratio this flux is what you cahrt to know your plants needs and current uptake. A fluxing ph will cause damage and hurt your plants if left unchecked. The standard and scientifically proven ph of the 5.5 (more for aero) to the accepted 5.8(general hydroponics such as flood and drain) allows maximum absorbtion of the nutrients and water. Now as the water level falls if your plant is in perfect harmony the ph will stay stable. If the water falls and the ph jumps then the plant is drinking more and eating less so you can cut back the ppm levels a bit. If the water doesnt drop but ppm drops then the plants are hungry and you can bump up thier nute ppm. As you go you will learn about ph and ppm and direct relation to your plants needs and health. A high ph or extreme low can cause nutrient salt build up and nutrient lock out which will show in your plants dramatically.Ive grown hydro for about 14 years and aero about 4 now with several hundred grows and have dialed in the ph pretty well now and can speak from years of expirence the need for correct stablized ph levels which is why most nutes have a ph buffer added to maintain ph consistency.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Noobs dont pay attention to ph so they dont learn thier plants... This issues isnt one to really worry about.But if you dont track your ph and ppm in hydro then you have no clue as those 2 things make or break hydro ll learn about it though


New Member
Noobs dont pay attention to ph so they dont learn thier plants... This issues isnt one to really worry about.But if you dont track your ph and ppm in hydro then you have no clue as those 2 things make or break hydro ll learn about it though
Why even bring it up if it's nothing to worry about? You're obviously just guessing and that's going to make it harder for this guy to absorb the truth. You just don't know. STFU already.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Faux he gave specs and numbers and what is happening but no pictures so responses have to be given on info given and yes ph can cause a wilting effect but normally all plants will sag under heat compared to drawn in when its cooler ie the dark. You have made saevarl stupid statements that are not even in the realm of possibility so your not taken seriously so sit and be quiet and maybe you will learn something. Its obvious your a new grower or at least to hydro to even make a statement insinuating ph is not an important thing to monitor and yes it tells the story of your plant. I believe it was you who has posted in another thread buds grown in soil are actually :Dro: also. so based on that and the comments your randomly through out that are absolutly wrong with no point I dont think you should even offer any help to anyone until you figure out the basics yourself.Im not going to get childish as you did and get all bent out of shape but as i said stick around read and learn some things then you ll be able to try and help and not just throw out random incorrect info thats just basically well wrong.Good grows to ya

hater hurter

Active Member
k, thanks for all the responses. i was watching a movie so it took a while to get back.

i have a 175 w mh light around 4-5 inches forom the plants (trying to get them to stretch a little).

the ph does fluctuate a little (never more than .75) and i am using the tiger bloom in conjuncition with the grow big.