Plants, Powdery Mildew, Solutions


Hello fellow enthusiasts,

I was hoping I might partake of your experience and knowledge concerning, well, my concerns with a few plants I am attempting to grow. I have done a bit of reading on this forum and elsewhere an I am worried that my plants might be infected.Cannabis Leaf 1.jpg Cannabis Leaf 2.jpg

Here are a few pictures that are concerning me. You might be able to see the whitish spots in the second image, and what looks like a powder in the first. What is this, what causes it, and how can I combat it?

Thanks for your time!


Well-Known Member
Pics of whole plant ... It may be a PM starting but leaves look healthy.
Problems with new growers is they micro manage their young plants.
Little spots , deformities and other things happen to leaves , its when it becomes a whole plant issue that requires correction.

Bombarding young plants with a bunch of sprays , powders and shit usually causes more harm.

If PM ... There is a simple " milk " spray that can be done using milk and water.
It is a ridiculously easy method ( google ) .


Well-Known Member
on another note

id water in 1/4 tsp per gallon Epsom salt every now and again maybe 1x per week

you have mild , very mild magnesium def

noted by the leaf margins curling upward like a taco or canoe


Ok! I purchased the epsom salt and it is dissolving in the water now.

I am really glad that you caught that and brought it to my attention!

So the leaves should not be curling upwards. They should be flat?