Plants recovering from nutrient overdose. Please advise


Active Member
I made a newbie mistake on my medical grow and gave nutrients at end of week 1 per fox farm feeding schedule, but Vermifire soil has two to three weeks of nutrients in soil. Ended up with two plants with nitrogen toxicity and two with mag defiency due to lockout I believe. I'm posting pics and was planning to flower on June 2nd. Have they recovered enough to flower soon? Pic 2 still shows nitrogen toxicity.



Well-Known Member
I didn't see much damage from N tox. The leaves will often claw and develop a dark green color, not so with ur pix unless there's something that didn't pick up in the photos.
So I would continue with whatever feeding schedule you're using and don't forget the Mg. Cannabis is a magnesium whore. Mb cut back the N if ur worried still.
Never heard of ur soil brand (I mix my own) but is there some lime in it?
As a precaution mb veg for an extra week then flip. U def don't want claw in flower it messes up everything.


Active Member
I didn't see much damage from N tox. The leaves will often claw and develop a dark green color, not so with ur pix unless there's something that didn't pick up in the photos.
So I would continue with whatever feeding schedule you're using and don't forget the Mg. Cannabis is a magnesium whore. Mb cut back the N if ur worried still.
Never heard of ur soil brand (I mix my own) but is there some lime in it?
As a precaution mb veg for an extra week then flip. U def don't want claw in flower it messes up everything.
Thank you for advice. I did a foliar feeding with very light epson salt and four days later light cal-mag feeding. Seemed to help a lot. Picture 2 in what I think is Nitrogen deficiency. Another plant was droopy and minor clawing on fan leaves, but it improved. I learned many lesions last grow. Since my tap water is hard, I use spring water and distilled. Last grow my soil PH was very messed up from not PHing nurients during flowering. I assumed since grow big and big bloom don't affect PH much, the flowering nutrients would be the same. Dumb assumption! Fox farm flowering nutrients drop PH to around 4.5. Two light mistakes, messed up PH, and mag defiency lead me to hermies. Smoke was still good, but killed my yield.

The Hydro shop told me they can't keep vermifire soil on the shelf because marijuana growers are buying it up fast. They didn't tell me don't start your fox farm feeding until week 3. Always learning on this new hobby of mine.