plants revegging late in flower


Okay so i placed a clone of ace of spades×cheasequake outside in mid april. It began flowering almost immediately. It is now 6 weeks into flower and im afraid it may reveg bc of the increase in daylight hours. If so would i just need to harvest and be happy with what shes got or just let her ride? Any thoughts will be greatly appreciated.


If i wait until the end of summer wont her already formed buds be wasted? Im not sure i would want to move her inside bc she is planted in the ground. I just dont want to lose the super stank buds shes already formed. They look like they are caoted in snow.


Anyone know what will happen if i just leave her alone, will the buds that are on her be any good? Should i chop those off before she goes into reveg?


Well-Known Member
If the hours of light exceed 12. She'll revegetate. Meaning you'll lose the buds that are already there. It won't be instantaneously fucked. They take a week or so to flip back to vegetation stage.

You'll notice weird rounded leaves, without serrations when they do. That only lasts a little while. Then they go back to normal growth.

You can either move it indoors now- to finish her off. Or wait as long as possible to get those buds as mature as you can before making the cut.

If you leave on about a third of the lower buds. And the hours of light go above 12 a day. She'll likely revegetate with what's left on her. And possibly produce even more the next time round.

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
If the hours of light exceed 12. She'll revegetate. Meaning you'll lose the buds that are already there. It won't be instantaneously fucked. They take a week or so to flip back to vegetation stage.

You'll notice weird rounded leaves, without serrations when they do. That only lasts a little while. Then they go back to normal growth.

You can either move it indoors now- to finish her off. Or wait as long as possible to get those buds as mature as you can before making the cut.

If you leave on about a third of the lower buds. And the hours of light go above 12 a day. She'll likely revegetate with what's left on her. And possibly produce even more the next time round.
Good advice!
Harvest what you've got & leave enough for reveg. I just did it on one of my outdoor plants. The bud got kind of fluffy, but it'll make great butter.


If the hours of light exceed 12. She'll revegetate. Meaning you'll lose the buds that are already there. It won't be instantaneously fucked. They take a week or so to flip back to vegetation stage.

You'll notice weird rounded leaves, without serrations when they do. That only lasts a little while. Then they go back to normal growth.

You can either move it indoors now- to finish her off. Or wait as long as possible to get those buds as mature as you can before making the cut.

If you leave on about a third of the lower buds. And the hours of light go above 12 a day. She'll likely revegetate with what's left on her. And possibly produce even more the next time round.
K nice, exacty what i needed to know thanks man.


Well-Known Member
Lots of stuff is disabled for new members. Like posting links and images. You'll get there soon though. Just keep posting. And they'll open up.

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
You have to hang out for a little while. I forget the exact rule.

BTW... Let's see a picture of the plant.
His or mine?
It's dark outside but I can snap a pic tomorrow. My plant definitely isn't impressive at this stage. I ran out of room in my tent & pulled the plant at least a month ago. I'm surprised it took so long to reveg outside. Some strains do it very quickly -- within a couple of weeks.


Well-Known Member
Looks like pictures are down... I was going to post a shot of mine in reveg. Don't know how long she's been in it for. Cos I'm forgetful as fuck. But, I've left way more on than what's recommended.

I don't really go by time anymore either. It's more a flip to flower when they're at the height I want them to be.


ok cool. Its been raining here the last two days pretty hard but ill try to post a pic before i harvest whats on her. But i still dont see any sign of reveg yet. No straight edge new growth or anything of that nature. I had her on 24 hours of light before i put her out six weeks ago though so it may take her a min before she reverts with 14 hours.