Plants start wilting immediately after being put into flower and sag throughout entire cycle


New Member
The title essentially says it all. We have two flower rooms, identical to each other in every way. As of 4 months ago the plants we put into one of the rooms wilt within hours, and stay wilted throughout the entire cycle.
This leads us to a weak crop with a ton of fluff, as opposed to the other room which produces product we are proud of.
We've tried everything. Tried to figure out what the difference is between these two rooms and why it started happening randomly in only one room that had been fine since it's construction a couple years ago.
The room is empty now, so just as a test we put one in and sure enough within hours it was wilted. I'm aware that plants wilt a bit when moved into the new environment but this is beyond that and persists throughout the entire cycle.
Everything in the room is essentially tuned in as it should be, carbon filter, CO2 generator, 5 1000w gavitas. Temperature is fine. Humidity is low sometimes during light period especially at this time of year, but the other room is the same and looks nothing like the wilted room. It remains perky.

If anyone has even the slightest idea why this is happening please let me know, it would be greatly appreciated.
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Well-Known Member
This is strange.
Wondering if for some reason the position of the bad room is getting more air under the floor making the root zone colder for example.


Well-Known Member
You clean the burners on the CO2 generator? Got clean blue flames on it or is there any yellow flame?