Well I had the unfortunate experience of someone ripping off one of my plants 2 weeks ago. While I too am a woman of a certain age, I don't live alone. That being said, it is no less unnerving to have an intruder hop 2 fences and a greenhouse to get one of your plants. I happened to grow high CBD strains and that ripper won't be impressed. LOL. While I had a couple higher THC strains, the bulk were useless to anyone wanting to get high. I put up some signs stating that that they were high CBD strains after the theft and cut everything left. Most were ready except the particular strain they took. Ripped it right out of the pot.
I will take next season off and then reevaluate my situation. If I do it again I will be tagging my plants with these..
Unfortunate and yes it is unnerving. Makes you wonder what they'd do if tey ran in to you along the way. Looking for high cab strains as well can. You advise what they are?