Plants stopped growing after first month of flowering

My buds are not growing and i am not getting any hairs.... I veged for 4 weeks, then i flowered for 4 weeks (no air conditioner, spider mite infestation, not enough dark) so i have flowered for another 4 weeks (this time without a light leak), and now i have an air conditioner and i'm flowering for another 4 weeks with no spider mite problems)
The plants are no longer being eaten up, but they are not growing at all. 1 of my plants didn't even have spider mite damage and it is not growing either. I do not have C02 injection so i think it's because of that. They get 12 hours of light a day with 600 watt hps and 12 hours of dark a day in a 4x4 tent I have an intake fan, an air conditioner, exhaust fan and oscillating fan so the airflow is pretty good. I have already read up on Co2 and plants, i just need someone to point me in the right direction, how can i get a cheap co2 source, i am thinking a co2 tank and a meter to measure it? nothing too expensive. please post some links to what i'll need. Now I use foxfarm nutes and i flush every 3 weeks. 1 plant looks nice and compact with small buds on the top and the other is a big lanky plant with lots of missing leaves and small buds all over with little hairs. What i think my problems might be coming from are I need to flush my plants more, I need to get a co2 source, my plants need more light, or my plants need more darkness... Has anyone encountered similar problems, and i how can i get a good crop for next month?


Well-Known Member
what do you mena? your not getting any hairs but you say your plants have buds on them?
what are you growing in soil or hydro?
you don't need to flush that often or really at all in soil unless your having a problem with salt build up

your only 4 weeks into flower so you shouldn't expect to see much weight yet. most of the weight is gained in the second half of flowering, with the buds really swelling in the last 2 weeks
some pictures of you plant would help us see if there were any serious problems with them


Active Member
Thank you GrowinDad-- I was thinking that he must not have a big enough air intake for the space... we found out the same thing in the same (painful) way! Out exhaust level was higher than the intake-- so they "stalled" out at week 5 for 2 grows before we realized what was going on!


Well-Known Member
ahh I missed part of the op were you said you were in week 8 of flower, I read week 4 sorry, I tend to glance at things lol

you could try going to a longer dark cycle, this will cause the hormone in the plant that causes flowering to build up more and may help spur your plant back into bud growth. id say 13 or 14 hours at the most
results not guranteed


Well-Known Member
It's def not a CO2 issue -- plants grow and flower just fine without it. Your light leak issue may have disturbed their growth, so they might just need a little more time to get going. However, you seem to be describing two different strains of plant, one being indica (compact) and the other tall and lanky (sativa). Ms. Sativa is going to grow a lot more slowly than Ms. Indica! If a rule of thumb is an indica is ready at around 8 weeks of flower, a sativa can go 10-12 weeks or longer quite easily. So if her bud structure is way behind the other one, that's normal. I only grow two plants at a time, and the same strain so I don't have that inconsistency.
No superthrive at all this grow. I am going to do longer dark hours. The plants look the exact same for an entire month now. I have been using Big Bloom, Tiger Bloom, Grow big as directed from the Foxfarm schedule. I can try taking really bad pictures from my ipod i hope it helps....I'll post them up tomorrow. Some of the plants have brown on the ends like a lack of nutrients, I was hoping Cal-Mag would help with this but i'm not sure if it is. Basically the reason these plants have been so messed up is the heat problem i had caused a spidermite infestation and basically the plants grew really inconsistently had to swtich rooms and lights. they were under 250 watts for 8 weeks and are now under 700 watts. Also the temperature changed drastically from 90 degrees+ to 70-80 degrees so i also think this might have shocked the plants.
Thanks for the information it makes perfect sense. my Indica plant has small buds but nice buds on it with good looking hairs. while my staiva has small white hairs and barely any buds to speak of. I think there has to be some sort of light leak. I did my first grow in the same tent (virtual sun 4x4) and the buds grew a lot bigger so i didn't think that was the problem. I also switched the lights from 12-12 to 10-14 i hope this help...I was going to take pictures yesterday but my ipod was dead and i just finished charging it so i'll start taking them when my lights come back on at 9 pm
I have some pictures to upload of the plants. The Indica plant has brown/orange streak in a few leaves i think its some sort of cal or mag deficiency im treating with cal-mag. The Sativa plant that had a month of spidermite damage is the one im worred about the most. It has lost over 100 leaves and has no bud gowth. First photo is the indica, the other two are of the sativa plant
Indica01.jpgSativa Branch.jpgSpidermite damage Sativa.jpg
I need to know what i need to do to maximize the bud grow in these plants... is there still hope for them? they have little to no smell and I have been stressing over it for weeks. the sativa plant is over 12 weeks old the Indica is 10 weeks old. like i said before they were pushed back 4 weeks because of heat and spidermite infestation, other stress from temp change and moving tents.


Well-Known Member
looks like way too much nitrogen

plus after the stretch you will not notice the buds suddenly growing expontentially. its a very slow process.


Well-Known Member
Blu, That's what I thought first cause of the deep green. But the the drying and shrivelling looks like deficiency pretty clearly. So maybe too much nutes, not ph correctly led to lockout or something.

But hey, I am a novice so take my two cents with a grain of salt :-)


Well-Known Member
I have some pictures to upload of the plants. The Indica plant has brown/orange streak in a few leaves i think its some sort of cal or mag deficiency im treating with cal-mag. The Sativa plant that had a month of spidermite damage is the one im worred about the most. It has lost over 100 leaves and has no bud gowth. First photo is the indica, the other two are of the sativa plant
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hey guy, got your pm to look at your plant. to me it looks like overwatering and nutrient lockout. probably from the excessive flushing you've been doing.Let the plant dry out for a few days and then water with water that has been ph adjusted AFTER nutes have been added. a lot of the time if your using hydro nutes in soil grows your PH will be far to low and lockout nutrients, you need a ph of about 6.5 for soil. its possible the nutes you have been using have bene lowering your ph to much. I recommend getting ph nutral nutes such as Sensi Bloom advanced nutrients, I use them in soil with great results. The sative plant looks very unhealthy and you might want to consider just harvesting it to put it out of its misery and salvage what you can. the indica looks like its fairly healthy and entering its last couple weeks of flower