Plants to room size and lights

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Howdy partners

i was wondering is there a chart or somthing telling us how many plants we can grow to wats or lumens were using ? or how do you determin how much your area can handel and be sucsess full plants. Right now im starting my first grow my flower room is around 3 by 3 by 5 hydro setup pellets and water pump dripper with a 400 wat hps 55,000 lumens. My veg room is 2by2by4 hydro pelets for my control plants cubes for my clones right now i have three florecnets a plant/aquirum, cool white, natural sunlight, and a softwhite. I didnt like how that was working so i just got a 600wat mh with hood and balast im going to go setup. Should i take all the other lights out or keep some or keep all plus the 600 mh ? and how high should i hang the mh bulb there only 2 weeks in ? any helps greatfull :weed:


Well-Known Member
hi bud i would use the small lights untill the plants is about 12 " tall or has 4 or so set of leaves then put under the 600w at about 1m away to start with, reg ya temps etc and slowly as the plant gains stature lower the light until it starts to get uncomfortable if u put ya hand above the plant under the light. at a later stage u can use ya smaller lights as side lighting if u want but 6oow for such a small room is more than enough light, keep an eye on temps and ensure adequate extraction etc gd luck my friend hope i helped a little :)

Old in the Way

Well-Known Member
with 40-50 watts per square foot you will be way ahead of most ........dense, sticky nugs will surely come----provided all temps, RH, etc are where they should be.:blsmoke:

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
hi bud i would use the small lights untill the plants is about 12 " tall or has 4 or so set of leaves then put under the 600w at about 1m away to start with, reg ya temps etc and slowly as the plant gains stature lower the light until it starts to get uncomfortable if u put ya hand above the plant under the light. at a later stage u can use ya smaller lights as side lighting if u want but 6oow for such a small room is more than enough light, keep an eye on temps and ensure adequate extraction etc gd luck my friend hope i helped a little :smile:

thanks for the reply, well i already have the 600w on them and there branching nicely, im going to keep it this way 600w on top two florecents on the side for bottom leaves then just a 75wat daylite hanging in the middle just for fun :mrgreen: check out my link on the bottom for my setup, the 600 is about two feet away from the top of the pellets, right now my temp and humidity is perfect temp 75 and humidty 55%,

Old in the Way
with 40-50 watts per square foot you will be way ahead of most ........dense, sticky nugs will surely come----provided all temps, RH, etc are where they should be.:blsmoke:

hmm right on man is that what you figured it out to be for my room 40 - 50 wats nice hehe :mrgreen: i like nice nugs the seeds i got the nug from was oh my gosh :hump: nice hahaha im not up on the breviations whats RH check out my link ill be updating with pics tonight yes pics i love pics :hump: thanks for the reply


Well-Known Member
fair play m8 i always strugle with temp wen puutin the 600w so close wen young but u obviously got it sussed will keep lookin in at ya grow gd luck i think im going to put some t5s on the sides of mine this time to help side growth do u often do this i have heard its worthwhile ? i always jus take off shitty bits at bottom but id rather turn into fat buds :)