The AG is nice for my clones. I don't think I would use it completely grow to harvest. I forgot to check the unit a couple of day and the reservior was empty.
I was with my boy and his lady the other day and we had an all out "get high" party. We tried 3 different street purchase and found one that taste like mint and was smooth. The high was alert and made you feel very comfortable. I found one seed in that bunch. I will save it for my 3 crop. Even if it is a male, I will mature it to collect the pollen.
I am learning to plan my growth. Right now I have too many clones. I have to veg area. One is ebb and flow and the other the AG. I perfer my small ebb and flow to the AG
Below are picture of the ebb and flow. I used a storage bin from wal-mart and a dishwashing bin for the plants. Cheap and it works. the area is 20"X20". Small enough to fix under my computer desk.
There are 8 plants. 5 white Rhinos and 3 unknowns.
I will place 2 white rhinos and 2 unknowns in my next crop for a SCROG