Plants too tall in AeroGarden


Active Member
The plants are too tall in the aerogarden. I may cut them back to allow them to get thicker and make them mother plants. I have a flower room and it is busy at the time.

I will make clones from the aerogarden plants and do a SCROG on my next grow.



Active Member
those are looking really good man. What lights and nutes are you using, i see you had to take the top off of the aergarden.


Active Member
400w HPS air cool reflector, ebb and flow system, Bontincare Pure Blend Pro, R/O water with Cal-Mg.
As for the Aerogarden, I may remove the top or cut the plants so that I get more brenches. I will make two a motherplant.
I have one White Rhino and 2 bagseeds plants. The 2 bagseeds are different plants.


Active Member
how are the bag seeds doing because i got some really good stuff with a few seeds in the bottom of the bag and thinking about doing an AG grow with them you like the AG system?


Active Member
The AG is nice for my clones. I don't think I would use it completely grow to harvest. I forgot to check the unit a couple of day and the reservior was empty.

I was with my boy and his lady the other day and we had an all out "get high" party. We tried 3 different street purchase and found one that taste like mint and was smooth. The high was alert and made you feel very comfortable. I found one seed in that bunch. I will save it for my 3 crop. Even if it is a male, I will mature it to collect the pollen.

I am learning to plan my growth. Right now I have too many clones. I have to veg area. One is ebb and flow and the other the AG. I perfer my small ebb and flow to the AG

Below are picture of the ebb and flow. I used a storage bin from wal-mart and a dishwashing bin for the plants. Cheap and it works. the area is 20"X20". Small enough to fix under my computer desk.

There are 8 plants. 5 white Rhinos and 3 unknowns.
I will place 2 white rhinos and 2 unknowns in my next crop for a SCROG


Active Member
OK, I am going to have to transplant or kill the plants in the aerogarden. I went away for a couple of days and the reservior was empty. The 5 plants in the unit are drinking the solution as fast as I can fill it. I don't have much room in the veg ebb and flow unit. I am considering placing 3 of the females in DWC mode. I have 3 beautiful females that can make nice mother plants.