Plants wet!

Mine get rained on about everyday in the last month. Why would rain hurt your plants unless mold starts to develop which I don't think it will after 1 rain.
It's a constant morning dew and last night was real heavy. And I already have mold issues. And does it matter how
fae away you are ffrom the plant idk if it would hurt it if its to close?
keep the fan on 24/7 if you can, the wind will also help strengthen the branches and the mold shouldnt have a chance to set in with that much circulation. Cheers!
Add a little bit of sulfur to the waterings. It will give it extra immune strength to deal with mold and mildew. Spray the moldy/mildew area with water+sulfur mix, or apply a little bit of the powder. Other than that, what BeefSupreme said. Wind forces the plant to draw the moisture to leaves and evaporate it effectively to keep itself comfortable in windy situations.
keep the fan on 24/7 if you can, the wind will also help strengthen the branches and the mold shouldnt have a chance to set in with that much circulation. Cheers!

This is the outdoor growing section... How are you going to keep a fan on it outdoors?
It's a constant morning dew and last night was real heavy. And I already have mold issues. And does it matter how
fae away you are ffrom the plant idk if it would hurt it if its to close?
Can I suggest using Hydrogen Peroxide ? I would mix about 7-8 oz of peroxide to one gallon of water, keep in dark bottle or paint the gallon container and use as needed. give it time to work, it will kill mold. Your plant can produce it naturally internal, and you can give it external assistance. Just the areas. Morning dew is good for your plant.
You know I heard about hp but I couldn find the ratio thanks! You think this would work better then burning the mold offv
You know I heard about hp but I couldn find the ratio thanks! You think this would work better then burning the mold offv

Yes. If it`s close to the stem, burning it will sear the phloem, if on a branch it will sprout out below the burn and not feed above the burn. Plants naturally produce H2O2 to strengthen the cell wall and prevent mildews, molds, and diseases from spreading. It`s the viral that can`t be stopped. There`s a 3percent solution at most stores for cleaning and antiseptic. It can be found at garden centers too. The plant can`t fight it externally but you can !i Very mild surfactants such as laundry detergent can stop spores from attaching. Very mild solution. (like ten drops per gallon)
And the detergent will keep it from spreading?

The N2O2 does that inside the plant, the peroxide solution will contact kill it externally. Never use straight Peroxide. The detergent solution helps (because of new growth between applications) keep spores from attaching in the first place. (You can never control mildew/mold spores totally) No mold on your plant doesn`t mean no spores !i