Plants wilting. Most likely Nitrogren toxicity. Help!!


Well Im almost positive that some pour a bucket of piss into the soil. Is there anyway to save it or should I just chop it? Its about 2 weeks into flower. Theres the same plant right next to it but only part of the plant is wilted. what should I do??IMAG0387.jpgIMAG0390.jpg


Well-Known Member
No, its a stress or root system issue. Have you moved it recently or repotted, changed nutes etc.

Find a cardboard box big enough to put over to slow down the aspiration , see if that helps it recover, maybe let it get a couple hours of sun a day till it livens back up. It looks salvagable.


I have been watering it maybe 3/4 of a gallon everyday with nutes every week. I havent moved it since i put it in the ground as a clone. I only said nitrogen toxity because it smelled like an alley way of piss just in that spot.


Well-Known Member
Let the medium dry out a lot more between waterings, this will encourage new root growth, should come back in couple weeks, with luck.


Active Member
yup, let it dry out more between waterings and just give it little "teaser" waterings when you do water it until it gets back to normal