Plants with very subtle smell [HELP]


Well-Known Member
strange... I have next to no growing experience and I have no idea what I'm doing and I have a frankenstein mish mash indica grow going on and it smells dank as shit. maybe I just got lucky?

though unlike you, my setup is outdoors. after a heavy rain the smell seems to wash off for awhile and it comes back. on a clear day when it's been dry awhile I can smell her from like 10 yards away if there's a breeze


Active Member
@Alter Jean indeed i'm a light feeder the max ppm amount i go to is 1050-1100 ... Man the buds indeed look nice to be honest... But i was fertilizing with General Hydroponics, FloraBloom, Micro and Grow and having just CalMag and LiquidKB to the fert schedule now i've changed to a new nute called Plantprod (7-11-27 that has 5.6% of Sulphur) with Calcium Nitrate (17-0-0) + Floralicious Plus + Algae extracts with Fulvic and Humic acids + Dry KoolBloom (late flower booster which have Sulphur) + Micro-organisms + CalMag

@shattascam Hey man outdoor herb is dope, yeah weed should smell always good is just me doing something wrong or not doing something and i'm going to figure it out... Hope you smokes turn out great man, cheers


Active Member
Pics from the actual grow... Maybe my fert schedule was little poor i don't know i've set the temps to 78F and RH is at 70%... Which give me an ideal kPa of 1.03 or something like that... Changed the nutes to a more complete schedule rich in Sulfur let's see if they develope terps by the time of the harvest

