Plants without light.


Active Member
Ok got my plant on the grow and should be ready for putting into flowering mode by mid december. Problem is I'm heading home from college and dont really know what i'm gonna do with it over christmas, because i'm afraid the landlord will come in and find them.

Question is, would it be possible to leave a plant in complete darkness for a week and then resume where you left off, or does anyone know any other ideas that would get around this problem.


Well-Known Member
yea risk leaving the lights on...even if you can get the plant back after a week of's a ton of stress and risk making it a hermie..


Well-Known Member
as in not having a light on...or putting it in total dark total way in hell, but if you just leave it getting some sun light....maybe


Active Member
leaving it on a windowcill might be an option but leaving the setup the way it is would definitely be noticed, i have a very nosy landlord.

also for reference, i live in ireland and its not noted for its heat or long periods of light round christmas. would the plant survive on a cill at this time of year?


Well-Known Member
No don't do that. It won't be a happy plant when you get back and you wont be a happy grower either. It might just survive but it will take you a long time to bring it back if it isnt dead. Can you find a plant sitter?lol


Well-Known Member
Just put a lock on the door, keep it on a timer, use a wick system to water it, and you should be fine. Put a drain pan under the pot to collect the run-off water, and your plant's will suck the water up as the soil dries. Also put a cover over the top of the pot to prevent evaporation. Take a deep [smoke-filled :bigjoint:] breath, and you'll be fine. :)



Well-Known Member
i heard it is possible to artificially simulate photosynthesis by injecting the stem and/or leaves with the necessary chemicals, which i'm sure you could find in any outdoor plant.

other than that, make sure it's lightproof and quiet and you shoud be good. leave music on loop to mask any sounds. i bought a thick black curtain from walmart that blocks a good deal of light, 95%+, and fits perfectly over a doorway. another tip if your renting is that landlords and service people tend to show up during the day so have the lights come on at night. that way if anyone happens to enter, the lights are off and fewer fans running.

if you use bubbleponics though, it's pretty obvious as soon as you hear the bubbles...


New Member
buy a cheap timer for a few bucks and set it up so that the light is on at the least likely time the landlord will be around. Have the lights on from 11pm-6am. Personally I think its dangerous to grow in a rental. I have known only 2 growers that have got busted and both were narced by their landlord. Truth be told, if they knew and didn't call the cops, they could lose their property. good luck


Well-Known Member
buy a cheap timer for a few bucks and set it up so that the light is on at the least likely time the landlord will be around. Have the lights on from 11pm-6am. Personally I think its dangerous to grow in a rental. I have known only 2 growers that have got busted and both were narced by their landlord. Truth be told, if they knew and didn't call the cops, they could lose their property. good luck
Thats only 7 hours...


Well-Known Member
seven's better than nothing.

8pm-8am should be pretty safe though. i used midnight to noon myself, because that's when i'm home and it gives me a good few hours to work in the room before i sleep.