Plants without water?


Well-Known Member
hello, right now i have 3 seedlings under a few cfls, they seem to be doing just fine but i will be away from them for 4 days and right now they have been needing a daily watering... any advice on what i can do? they r in dixi cups cut in half right now.


Smokin Thunder

Active Member
Why don't you make an Auto-watering Drip system with a 1 Gallon water bottle and a Fish tank air regulator? As long as its un the lights and the water is dripping in at a slow pace and you the girls under sometrhing that can catch any excess water I dont see why you would have a problem. Juat make sure the bottle in in a higher place so that gravity can do all the work


Well-Known Member
Seedlings need to cared for during the early stages. Maybe you can put the cup in a bowl of water that the plant can absorb while you are gone?


Well-Known Member
I would really like to have a drip system but im worried about the fact that knowing me i will have it going to fast or too slow. and what is a fish tank air regulator?
if i want to set up a drip system for when i build a flowering chamber would it be pricy or very difficult? i will check out faq and fourms for that but any ideas?

Smokin Thunder

Active Member
I would really like to have a drip system but im worried about the fact that knowing me i will have it going to fast or too slow. and what is a fish tank air regulator?
if i want to set up a drip system for when i build a flowering chamber would it be pricy or very difficult? i will check out faq and fourms for that but any ideas?

Ive done it before and tested the system and found the best setting for what ever was setting it up for for atleast 1 week before leaving it alone. the below is an air regulator aka gang valve



Well-Known Member
ohh yeah i saw those things at the pet store... so right now my plants are about a week old how fast would i want those things dripping?


Well-Known Member
water crystals

or even put the water crystals in a bottle with some hose or dripline will suffice.. also a good idea to attatch an appropriat filter ie suitable rag or piece of cloth.. push this thrue the lid of the bottle (the cloth is to stop crystals falling in the line and blocking it ) but there ya have it... it works believe me :)

but dont only rely on the crystals always to get you through... tho they wont always suffice..


Well-Known Member
so today i picked up one of those air regulators and some tubeing i plan to attatch it to a 2L bottle or something... any ideas how fast they should be dripping?


Well-Known Member
i give seedling a little bit of water every day and get more strict on them as they age...
not too wet or the plant goest to shit especially outdoors if the soil heats up... youll find nothing worth saving when ulook at em next.... it sux :(


Well-Known Member
well roday was day 5 and they look they needed a watering but thats all... so i waterd them and i will have the drip set up working today
thanks guys

Smokin Thunder

Active Member
I would try and make the drip as slow as possible to avoid any mess. If you set the drip system to fast then you can make add way to much water and cause as you know a huge muddy mess. You know what also came to mind, Setting up a wick system. With a wick setup as well you can just add water to the reservoir and the plant will pull it up on its own as needed.