Plants Won't Flower


So I am growing aurora indica's, 3 of them, of the 3 one has begun to flower, showed up as a male, asides from that the other 2 are not even showing pistils, I have not got any clue why. They have been vegged for 4 weeks under cfls and now have been under leds under 12/12 for nearly 3 weeks. Ive included a pic to, the side branches have alternating nodes, and the plant is pretty big, would be quite tall, but i lst'd it alot because I have next to no head room. They have been grown in soil with MG slow release pellets and I water whenever I see the soil is tota;;y dried out, There are not any light leaks, and the timer is working perfectly (surely the male would not have flowered if this what not the case)

Thanks for the help in advance Image0072.jpg


Well-Known Member
Are you using a scope? Those pistils are thin and hard to see in the early stages. Hang in the bro, sometimes they take some time.


The only thing i can suggest is time and maybe checking the PH of your soil. Also I have no experience with MG but the only other thing i can think of is that whatever nuts your giving might not be enough or what your needing for flowering which I believe would cause a slower flowering


Active Member
root space looks cramped (repot?) this plant looks like its struggling to stay alive a bit much to ask it to flower too :(


Active Member
Yeah, maybe it's the picture, but I've seen healthier looking plants. Anyway, just be patient. I grew AI last year and it took about 25 days to sex them, and the males appeared about 5 days before the girls. I'd bet that the plants that haven't shown sex are females.


Thanks for the replies guys, good to hear from someone with experience of AI growing, 25 days wow that is a long time, was getting a bit worried because it is coming up to 3 weeks but now not so much, its mostly the pic, the plant is very healthy, growing quick and lots of new growth, just looks like a MESS because ive been tieing down everything everywhere. As for a repot I don't have the space, but I am not to worried because I have seen someone go through flowering in just party cups, I would actually be happy if the height got stunted because I just do not have the head room, however the male began to flower around 4-5 days ago, on the male i can clearly see the balls i can even pick them off, as for the other plants nothing at all as far as I can tell. i was using a magnifying that enough? Thanks again guys for the help


Ohh also is reducing the light hours to 10 a really good idea? It wont hurt my plants or anything will it? Thanks again


Active Member
Why haven't you chopped the male? an other reason for the delay in sexing could be the high nitrogen content of MG soils. too much nitrogen can delay and even stop flowering in any plant.


Well-Known Member
Why would I give that advice if it would hurt your plants? If you have a tough strain that refuses to enter flower or one in flower that seems to never ripen for harvest, reduce the number of hours of light. Not all strains do well with 12 hours of light in flower. Equatorial strains may require 13-14 hours, whereas other strains may do better with 10-12. 12 hours of light for cycle is not science, it is an estimate of what works for the majority, the middle.

If after 3 full weeks of 12/12 and you have zero evidence of sex, reduce the number of hours of light. Go 11 if ya wish, instead of 10... If your plants started their stretch under 12/12 and have stopped without showing sex, the plant is getting too much "sun"


Well-Known Member
Why haven't you chopped the male? an other reason for the delay in sexing could be the high nitrogen content of MG soils. too much nitrogen can delay and even stop flowering in any plant.
Do you honestly believe that after the time spent in veg and the time in flower so far, that the soil is still loaded with Nitrogen? Wow.... unbelievable

I've grown with MG soils with great results.... How about you SCCA?


Didn't mean to offend you at all dude, sorry if it came of that way, just worried about hermies and stuff this is my first grow so I am a noob. As for chopping the male I am going to grow it out as much as I can before I see a female(hopefully i will), and then I will chop it, dry it and make butter out of it. Is there a reason why the male flowered under 12/12 though but not the female? Thanks, and can i just go right in and cut the light time to 10 hours? Thanks

The Knuck

Active Member
MJ flowers in 12/12, reducing to 10/14 will only hurt your yield, stay at 12/12 and see where you are in 7-10 days.


Active Member
Do you honestly believe that after the time spent in veg and the time in flower so far, that the soil is still loaded with Nitrogen? Wow.... unbelievable

I've grown with MG soils with great results.... How about you SCCA?
i haven't used MG in years, but is says right on the bag the slow release fert lasts up to 3 months, it hasn't been 2 months according to the op. the standard fert they mix into the soil has a high nitrogen content because it is intended for nitrogen hungry bedding and container plants. i didnt say you cant use MG or even that it was bad. if he isnt watering heavily then the fertilizer balls most likely still contain fertilizer. bit defensive of our dirt are we?

to directly answer you question, yes i too have had good results with MG. i just prefer a different soil composition and more control over what my plants get and when.


The thing is because its my first grow I did not want to get too technical and spend too much money. The soil i used wasnt completely nutrientless only nutes were from the MG pellets. What do you think of my suggestion on using Banana peels to increase flowering nute content? Thanks for the help I really appreciate it


Active Member
My first thought is that you may have light leakage. Make sure you get it 100% dark for the 12 hours, and maybe even try going only 10 hours of light as someone else suggested. If you can crawl into your grow area and shut everything off and take a look from the inside to make sure you have no light leaks that would be ideal. Also sometimes it's stuff we don't think will effect it like a light on a power strip or something but check all that out really good.

Also it wouldn't hurt to give them a shot of some real bloom nutes. =)


Active Member
not the peels because they are treated with a shitload of insecticides and fungicides. chop up some banana (or any other fruit, not citrus) and make compost tea with it and seaweed if you want natural bloom fert.