Plants won’t grow and look so unhealthy


Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

so my plants are in budding now but they are so unhealthy, I changed them to bigger pots about 7 weeks ago and I’m worried I gave them too much water at the beginning which has maybe caused bud rot. All of the leaves are turning yellow and the leaves are forever drooping, it seems whatever I do they just never change.

I don’t know what else to do, also, I thought normally by this stage you can see resin on the leaves, but as you can see by the buds there is none.

Any suggestions please?



Well-Known Member
When you say none, you're not kidding! I did see some trichs but not much at all. I hate to sound like I'm telling you you've wasted you time, because if nothing else you've learned from getting this far. Your buds are still small, how long has she been flowering? She may increase in trichome density over the next month, and you got her this far may as well let her finish. I would recommend looking into some known genetics so you have an insight as to what she could be.


Well-Known Member
I would personally add 1 tsp per gal Epsom salt. I've had Frost's every morning for a month now and my leaves are doing the same end of life yellowing too. Not a lot you can do. Outdoors when nature signals to start getting ready for death they listen and there's really nothing you can do to change it.

Are you letting your plants tell you they need water? If not then wait until your plants leaves begin to get floppy and hang down on the plant and then water. You may be over watering also. Contrary to what people here say my plants always slow down on there water intake when there in flower. If your watering the same as before flower that could be a problem also


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys notes taken for the above comments. Here is another photo of one of them, I have two, I wonder if maybe it’s an insect? The stems just look weak and yellow, I can’t see any though. So sad to see it all go to shit


Well-Known Member
When you say none, you're not kidding! I did see some trichs but not much at all. I hate to sound like I'm telling you you've wasted you time, because if nothing else you've learned from getting this far. Your buds are still small, how long has she been flowering? She may increase in trichome density over the next month, and you got her this far may as well let her finish. I would recommend looking into some known genetics so you have an insight as to what she could be.
I would say flowering about 3-4 weeks now, I bought them from royal queen seeds. They started off so good then just went bam all weird


Well-Known Member
What's your microbe game like? I'd strip anything less that 50%green, open her up a bit and I'd strip the first 6"or so to get some air movement around her base. And hit her hard with a bloom guano or maybe "mammoth P". Aside from a trim, she looks ok.


Well-Known Member
So these are the same plants as in this thread?

What kind of soil mix did you transplant them into when you went up to the bigger pots? Did you hit them with the fish hydrosulphate or other nutes?


looks like anaerobic soil conditions to my eye.
At this point, it is hard to remedy because the plant is so advanced and assuming you are growing out of doors, it is pretty close to harvest time.
You can tip the pots on its side ( carefully) and poke open the drain hole (s) for better drainage and to get some air circulating into the soggy soil.
Anareobic soils is basically heavy water bogged soil that does not have enough oxygen exchange. Poor drainage conditions and heavy soils lead to this condition.


Well-Known Member
Looks like starvin marvin

Leaves look full, could be ph or as mentioned watering practices or both


Well-Known Member
looks like anaerobic soil conditions to my eye.
At this point, it is hard to remedy because the plant is so advanced and assuming you are growing out of doors, it is pretty close to harvest time.
You can tip the pots on its side ( carefully) and poke open the drain hole (s) for better drainage and to get some air circulating into the soggy soil.
Anareobic soils is basically heavy water bogged soil that does not have enough oxygen exchange. Poor drainage conditions and heavy soils lead to this condition.
This. To add on, the anaerobic conditions look like they have caused a fungal problem. There is not much you can do to salvage this grow.

Next grow add holes to your container and consider using a fungicide all the way through the grow to avoid this problem.


Well-Known Member
Are you sure thats even a proper female as it dont seem to have much pistols an looks like bananas coming out of the sites. Sure its not a hermie. Might be worth checking out. There again could be fine an just a runt. The buds look odd tho


Well-Known Member
Thanks For your comments everyone. Yes this was the grow from the link above, I believe I have found the culprits, a very weird white squidgy insect, I have sprayed it with insect killer and neem oil, but half of the stems are just brown and all of the pistols are like dead as well, not sure they can come back from this but can hope for the best, there are still some branches that are ok. Can anyone tell me what this insect is please?



New Member
Looks like 2 things to me, A: is this your first grow? If so that will explain the over watering.
B: Your plants have taken all the nutes out of that soil, you need to add some nutes to your watering..
I personally wait until I see my leaves starting to droop a bit before I feed them.