Plasma is the Future of growing!

I pretty much wrote the guy off when he was telling sannie that he was about to kill jhis plants with uv light and whatnot as sannie was growing some really nice plants and seeds....That and the threats to send the european chapter of the HA after them for almost no reason at all.
now he's going to the cup and meeting same people and withholding his identity(still with a hint of a threat in there between the lines). How the hell he thinks this is ok behavior is beyond me. i'm so unimpressed it's kinda humourous at this point.

and with that last volley i retire from this thread. I'm gonna go smoke some of sannies star kush (the only connection i have with sannie is as a very satisfied customer )
well we keep on testing, still 1.2 gr/watt/month is pretty impressive. I would really like to see that (finally). Easiest way to show it is to send one or two to a good grower to publish a test. That's a proven workable formula ;).
Is this the product plasmargon has been talking about for the last couple months?

I don't think plasmargon has any part of this link.

I almost bought a couple of plamsa emitters from luxim direct, but then I found out about the Philips CMH lamp for 400w HPS systems, and $60 verses $1000... I chose the CMH.
So go to Europe to get your light I don't give a shit (good luck getting an adapter to use with it). I've had over 1000 requests for this light already. I have only been doing this to keep it in the blogs. Now I'm ready to launch my website.

These guys don't want help or support they just want to harass me, that's why they came to this site. You should have read the shitty responses I got from them on Opengrow (Quote;"are you trying to turn people against us? now I'll do everything in my power to turn your people on you"). So if you side with them go fuck yourself. I started this thread for a reason. Now I'm done.

Whazzup, I just met you at the Cannabis cup and you didn't even know who I was hahahaha. If you make it here for the next Grow expo I'll make SURE to make you feel welcome.

Moderator, you can close this thread.
This post of his led me to believe he abandoned this thread. I was a supporter of his until this, ne sure all of his talk ever lead to anything because we have still never seen pics or grows or even siple tech specs on his supposed light.
Chameleon, the next to enter the thread :D

Plasmargon was talking about an air cooled system with glass in front of the emitter. I haven't seen the site yet, anyone?

Current results btw: We stopped the red leds as they did not seem to bring much good to the grow, and concentrate now on bringing more light on the plants. The seeds grows do very well, but for pot production purposes the buds still stay too small. Plasma is not a wonder light. We have seen great results in veg (even spectacular) but it is not paying off yet in flowering. 2 lights on that surface could be a good idea, but you would need a real good reflector to bring the light down evenly. It requires a good grow recipe. Continuing the tests and, based on what we see the last week, we are probably going to expand the tests. New lights should be coming in any day now.
im not paying thousands of dollars for am equivalent of a 400 watt MH when it sucks balls, needs a computer 24/7 (sort of defeats the saving electricity bit), and has a 1 year warranty at most. Plasmagron is here to "share all the magic that plasma has to offer", but he is really only trying to peddle us his shit. Lets see some proof that shows plasma is worth anything
Sorry for answering this one a bit late, but there is not a lot of similarity between an induction light and a plasma light. First of all try to make a good reflector for an induxction light, look at the size. It's a different technology and different lamp and it's not that new. I have seen induction grows on forums years ago:

To conclude the spam in the topic ;):

GAVITA just showed their new plasma lights on the LA Grow 2010 trade show, including their new air-cooled one:

More info on the new GAVITA Holland site.
well if you take a little time to investigate you will find two complete grow cycles published, all the other specifics are in the product literature provided on the site and are public available at Luxim. But yes, I think you miss a few things ;)

I'm not saying at all that plasma will now replace HPS and I am certainly not saying that is is cheap. I'm not saying that with plasma you have a golden bullet. There is a much more development to be done to optimize plasma light for blooming for example, and to learn how to grow under plasma.

On the other hand in the vegetative stage we have seen incredible results that outperform HPS, MH, CFL or any combination of them. That we have tested and repeated grows and tests have confirmed that. Also we could reproduce the increased dry mass in every test grow so far. We had less yield than the other combinations (plasma/HPS, MH/HPS). The buds however were most compact, even deep in the plant with both plasma grows, the plasma only as well as the plasma/HPS combination, the latter delivered the best buds at high yield.

So for who is this light? Let's face it, it's not for you if you are growing on a tight budget or want to save money or electricity. It's an expensive piece of equipment. But if you want to keep up with current technological developments and want to experience what it means to be growing with plasma lights and have applications for them for cuttings, mother, vegetative growth or as additional lighting together with HPS to improve the quality of the product, if you are scientifically interested or if you just want to have it because it is such a cool lamp, then I'd say this horticultural quality fixture is an excellent choice.

You also need to consider that in our industry we are sometimes a bit faster with some developments than in the horticultural market. So a lot of products nowadays see this market probably a bit faster because many pot growers are open minded growers who really want to crack "the code".

Plasma is a product that is in the beginning of it's development cycle. I think this is the first usable solid state plasma light. Over time other, and more powerful models will be launched, if the market will accept these lights.

Plasma is also used in street lighting, theater lights etc etc, so there are numerous applications. Growing plants with them is just one of them. If the development of this lamp would have to rely on turn-over in horticultural lighting there would be no development at all ;).

The power use is 300 watt btw. The module itself takes 28V, 9,3 amps so 120V power supplies are possible.
can i get a direct link for a supplier?? i watched the video on these things a while back, they do look amazing.
oh about the induction lighting: I just wanted to illustrate that it is not a new technology to be used in grows. It's like T5, some people get really good results with them. Years ago I even saw a combination of a induction light and a cfl in the middle in a round reflector.

Optically it's difficult to make a good reflector for this shape. A small light source is much easier to handle. The inverse square law starts to work at 5 times the length of the light source. The smaller the light source, the easier it is to make a good reflector.
No you certainly won't. If not used with a filter directly looking into the light at close distance will cause cause serious eye problems due to the high dosage of uvc. But with the filter installed as it is (the wide spectrum glass plate) there is no danger of that anymore. I have been working in that light for several days without any problem. It is used for streetlighting, theater lighting (very intense lighting), projection, architectural lighting. You can rest assured that it will not affect your eyes and that the lamp is perfectly safe. We have done earlier tests without the filter with no difficulties or injuries, just don't look into the light when it is not covered at very close distance. For safety for course we recommend to use the filter. If GAVITA would sell you welders gear they would recommend to use welders glasses when using that ;). No need with the plasma light.

Edit: the light will enable you though to make great pictures!