Plastic Mirrors not glass good or bad?


Well-Known Member
Ok so i know that glass mirrors dont really work due to the glass absorbing most of the light, but has anybody tried those plastic mirrors? From what im thinking is it should work cuz hey plastic is plastic and if it can be used as a lid for a greenhouse why wouldnt it work on a mirror. If anybody has tried it let me know, ive searched for hours trying to figure this one out.


Well-Known Member
do you know the excat make/type of plastic there using. if so. see if there is any info on google on how reflective the materiel is. might take some searching but i bets there something there...


Well-Known Member
nice one Jesus. i remembered that .
and to be honest i remember the mirrors in prison which are the same. there plastic. but they have some mad reflective sheet on them. that makes you look like youre at some mirror fun house.


Well-Known Member
mirror's no matter how they are made do a poor job of reflecting light. Flat white plain dry wall reflect's better than any mirror, We all think a mirror reflects great (look at the emergency signal mirrors) which are plastic but it only capture's a small percentage of light produced! I Have tried many different mirror's such as telescope mirror's with the silver nitrate coated back's 20" dia. and you still do better on the lux meter with a piece of dry wall. I didn't belive it so I did the test. jack