Platinum Cookies, GDP and a Zkittlez OG auto... 24 ish days from seed


Well-Known Member
Just transplanted the Cookies from 1 gal to 5 gal. Top dressed everyone and some water.
GDP is about 8 days behind the other 2.
GDP top left, Zkittlez OG top right, Platinum Cookies bottom of picture.

I started out with 3 auto flowers and 1 photo with the plan being to veg the photo until the auto's finished.
2 auto's didnt make it, so I subbed in the GDP and transplanted the Platinum cookies into one of the auto's 5 gal bags.
I'm still going to finish the auto before flipping the photos. hopefully they'll get big enough to fill out my tent.
Looks healthy and happy!
Just helpful tip... 20/4 would help the photos, and the auto. Plants grow in the dark phase. That's when they utilize the glucose they made all those hours of daylight. You notice more growth and healthier plants.