Platinum LED

@Wicked_One Crappy insults... That's a decent song! :lol:

Why don't you log back in as the other guy...? What's he called again..? You know... your other log in name..?


To say I'm a hater after buying 2 panels this week??? Whatever man...! I'm just being truthful about the leds. They are made by E Shine and they are Not the best led's in the world!

If you actually read this thread you will see the biggest problem isn't the performance of these leds, it's the bullshit coming from Platinum led and @Tjohnsoniv1200.

Why has nobody disputed what I have said, average leds for average money? Coz I'm saying it how it is!

Remember being at school and you'd get 1 kid in every year that lies out his arse! Gets bullied and picked on for talking shit! Even as children it's in our nature to stand up to bullshit!

The info on the Platinum led website and from @Tjohnsoniv1200 is about as useful as a chocolate tea pot!
So, you actually believe Platinum's claims? And that E-shine doesn't make them?

I do believe most of what Platinum claims. And most claims against them have come from their competitors without anything to actually back their claims.

I've seen one video mars hydro put out a while back of them taking apart a E-Shine and a Platinum showing there made of almost the same parts.

That may be true... I don't know enough of the facts to say but their video was convincing.

That's why I was asking for some links to where some of the naysayers got their info... and so far I've been meet with noting but assholes with insults.

And normally that's what people who can't back their claims do...

People that can back their just that.

So can someone enlighten me without moronic childish insults...?
^ Hahahaha . . .

There's your reply.

Everything concerning platinum has been laid out in this thread. I've got one more Platinum story to share though, if you're interested.

Again - Platinums grow decent weed, and I will say that my P150s outperformed my Area 51 RW-75s as well, though the P150s are rocking an extra 10 or 20 watts versus the 51s.

BTW - If my link from a page or three back didn't convince you that they are actually E-shine lights, then nothing will.
An American company buys parts and even outsources assembly to a Chinese company and they didn't and won’t outright tell you?

Well so does damn near every American company in existence... Most things American produced are models and designs made by foreign companies that are bought out tweaked and rebranded as American products…

Why pay lazy ass entitled Americans to make your products when the Chinese are better at it and at probably 1/5 the cost. Outsourcing… it’s become the American way.

And there company grew fast because they somewhat copied the name of an already successful company… it’s not like anyone can’t tell there completely different companies…

And again no American company has ever done anything like that before… right?

People also want to claim their output stats are bullshit yet no one here has the tools to disprove them… just their speculation.

And I do believe they exaggerate their specs… which would put them right along with every other Led company in existence…

Also damn near everyone “In the know” on this thread claims they don’t use the diodes they claim to… the only way someone would know that is to have assembled or completely disassembled a panel themselves and checked the diodes to see what there made of… and no one here has… So you can’t call that a fact it’s just speculation at this point.

The people making these diode claims may have found factual evidence to back it up somewhere… but they didn’t bring a link to the thread with them just their hearsay which makes it exactly that.

Facts: A thing that is indisputably the case.

Speculation: The forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence.
Yes they are! Platinum " customizes them" is their claim. Side by side examination and power tests show them to be identical. So don't pay three times as much for those Platinum rip offs.

My grey E shine advanced diamond 150's are here :hump:

@michelle.Eshine... Your panels have come a long way! lmao I kind of like the grey :lol:

@Tjohnsoniv1200 seriously dude... I have owned e shines before, how you can deny these are made by E shine... Complete and utter verbal diarrhoea! These are made by E Shine! Don't even try to deny it man!

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it wasn't close, it was almost exact.........

And what can you say when its a competitor who points it out? Funny, that video is still there.........

I do believe most of what Platinum claims. And most claims against them have come from their competitors without anything to actually back their claims.

I've seen one video mars hydro put out a while back of them taking apart a E-Shine and a Platinum showing there made of almost the same parts.

That may be true... I don't know enough of the facts to say but their video was convincing.

That's why I was asking for some links to where some of the naysayers got their info... and so far I've been meet with noting but assholes with insults.

And normally that's what people who can't back their claims do...

People that can back their just that.

So can someone enlighten me without moronic childish insults...?
I'd def chose a platinum led over Mars hydro. All the Mars products over tried over the years diode start to go after a year and their warranty has been getting shorter and shorter and all the do when you claim the warranty is send you a diode and you're on your own
I have no interest in Mars lights. But there's no denying the video that's the point

I'd def chose a platinum led over Mars hydro. All the Mars products over tried over the years diode start to go after a year and their warranty has been getting shorter and shorter and all the do when you claim the warranty is send you a diode and you're on your own
I've been debating whether to share this or not, seeing as how there is so much hate and rudeness directed towards anyone trying to stand up for these lights.. but what the hell. After all, the point of this thread is to help inform those interested in these lights. Do I believe PLED claims? No way, they are beyond ridiculous, no doubt there. Do I think they have done shady things, stealing names, ect? Yep, but again, its just marketing to me, and no need to get your feathers so ruffled, in my opinion. Not here to say they are the best or anything like that, just want to share my personal experience :)
I used to grow with an HPS then switched to several P150's due to heat and electricity use. I am not looking back! These lights have done wonders for me. I think what I like most is the shape of the light, they allow for a much improved light 'footprint' over my HPS. I used to have all my plants growing to the center of the room, now they all grow straight up! Anyways, here's a few photos of my current setup. I've got 6 different auto strains under 3 P150's. Pics taken on day 26. Let me know if anyone has any questions, be happy to answer them :) btw, the close up pic is my fav girl, dutch passion night queen!


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im sad how badly i got ripped off... now im building a 6 cxb 3070 light for 100 bucks cheaper then the fuckin p450... fuck you platinum led. and fuck me for buying their garbage for 800 canadian. wtf was i thinking. fuck man
I just switched out my CLW solarstorm for a plat light. Ill report on the results... The CLW ALWYAS bleached all of the tops of my nice colas... Hopefully this one wont bleach, even if it yields a little less.
I am in need of supplemental lighting (600w MH/HPS; 6.5x6.5x6.5 feet grow tent) for my seven little companions, haha. Anyways, browsing Amazon for LED's is like browsing dating websites...none of them give raw and honest reviews of themselves, and half of the "Reviews" are in exchange for the product itself. So, AdvancedPlatinum LEDs caught my eye. For my first LED grow light(s), I'd like to understand my best options. So I am very interested in your update as you seem to have at least some experience in LED lights Johnxnyguy. Can't wait for more info! :)
I am in need of supplemental lighting (600w MH/HPS; 6.5x6.5x6.5 feet grow tent) for my seven little companions, haha. Anyways, browsing Amazon for LED's is like browsing dating websites...none of them give raw and honest reviews of themselves, and half of the "Reviews" are in exchange for the product itself. So, AdvancedPlatinum LEDs caught my eye. For my first LED grow light(s), I'd like to understand my best options. So I am very interested in your update as you seem to have at least some experience in LED lights Johnxnyguy. Can't wait for more info! :)
Avoid Platinum.