Platinum LED

Dear Dimwit,

I think some of you just come on forums to bicker. Who cares if I like my P300? what is it costing you?

Get a life...

When you finally realise that the one you call "dimwit" has forgotten more than you'll ever know, you can then come back and apologise for such a comment as you were given the brutal honest facts about your light.

You don't like what you hear, tough shit, but it doesn't change how that thing you praise is WAY overpriced for what it does.

And wind your neck in, for the only one who needs to "get a life" is the one who thinks he knows better than those who do know what they are talking about. That's you, Mr. Dimwit, for your little tantrum has just shown that you ain't no expert, and can't handle any criticism that shows you must have a glass cock because someone saw you coming...
Can you post some facts behind this? From people other than yourself. Preferably science backed resources. Honestly most of these posts are people who have never tried it and are just stating their opinion. as far as I can tell users of the light have liked it, and most people just hate on it. I just want someone with solid eveidence with their results with a comparison with PLED and whatever their light preference is. Until then I don’t know who to believe. I use PLED I’m open for change but need some evidenece on why everyone (who actually has used the light) like or don’t like the light. I hate how most of these posts are from people who have never even tried PLED and just hate on it, I read the first 7 pages of this thread and the last 3 and only came across 4 total people who have actually tried the light. Someone even brought up this point in page 7. I have the P300 as a new grower and personally like it. Now reading all this I started to think that maybe my light is “insufficient or shit” in some of these people’s words, but None of the non users of this light have provided any actual evidence or science backed knowledge, so I really don’t understand how you guys are any better than the company you’re hating on for the exact same reason of apparently not providing evidence of their lights, yet they do with science backed knowledge unlike the people on this site. I’m trying to understand why my light might be bad but no one in this thread has any credibility. It’s like you’re reviewing a restaurant you’ve never eaten at, but have seen the menu. READERS BEWARE: Not a lot of commenters don’t have actual experience with this light. I had to read through about half of this thread to find that out. First 7 pages only 4 people who have used this light have commented and so far it was all good. I’m not saying it’s the best light, I’ve never used anything else idk, But have used PLED with great success. If I could go back I would buy a lush led light or spectrum king but do not regret this PLED at all. I don’t have science backed facts; that’s what I’m looking for, but I have more evidence than most here; experience with the light in question.
I bought a p300 years ago it's shit I got rid of it as fast as I could the cobs I built then kicked the shit out of it. You want some science let us know what diodes the p300 uses I guarantee they are a fraction of the effeciency of anything made in the last 3 years
You're in an LED subsection recommending(post #530) that people purchase a garbage light. If people are dead set on buying an inefficient blurple, there are much cheaper options available than a Platinum.

The guy said he has a VERO Cob and bought the P300 5 years ago. I was in a similar boat then and since bought better lights.

No one is arguing that there are tons of better choices now...

Some of y'all just like to argue..
When you finally realise that the one you call "dimwit" has forgotten more than you'll ever know, you can then come back and apologise..

Now you're just being dramatic..

I bought a pair of P300's 5 years ago. I bought VERO COB's since and they are a whole step up...I've only said that 3 times now. I also said the P300's were fine for my uses as a hobbyist. I didn't make any recommendations other than to say they did what I needed them to do and they didn't break.

You can come in off the ledge now.
The guy said he has a VERO Cob and bought the P300 5 years ago. I was in a similar boat then and since bought better lights.

No one is arguing that there are tons of better choices now...

Some of y'all just like to argue..
The guy said he has a VERO Cob and bought the P300 5 years ago. I was in a similar boat then and since bought better lights.

No one is arguing that there are tons of better choices now...

Some of y'all just like to argue..

No doubt. Very dramatic bunch here..
Now you're just being dramatic..

I bought a pair of P300's 5 years ago. I bought VERO COB's since and they are a whole step up...I've only said that 3 times now. I also said the P300's were fine for my uses as a hobbyist. I didn't make any recommendations other than to say they did what I needed them to do and they didn't break.

You can come in off the ledge now.

Couldn't give a fuck, you don't get away with what you said when what you did praise was criticised. Had you been sensible and said "Yeah, I know, but they did the job at the time" instead of firing off with the "dimwit" comments you wouldn't have had the same response.

If you can't see where the problem is....
Couldn't give a fuck, you don't get away with what you said when what you did praise was criticised. Had you been sensible and said "Yeah, I know, but they did the job at the time" instead of firing off with the "dimwit" comments you wouldn't have had the same response.

If you can't see where the problem is....

I can't offer any scientific data but I can say that I have grown excellent cannabis with Platinum P300 LED's -

A P300 is a very good light for someone who wants to grow a nice plant. I don't think it has enough spread to cover an area bigger than one good sized plant, so for a second plant you'll need a second light. For a home grower/hobbyist they are great.

I also have a Vero 29 COB and it is a step up in terms of area it covers...I can grow three plants with a single 400W COB, the nugs are also harder with the COB.

P300 is great for what it is.

Cool set up dood! The COB's are definitely a whole step up from P300 type as you correctly pointed out. You clearly stated that lots are better than P300 but that doesn't seem to be enough for the zealous types..
Cool set up dood! The COB's are definitely a whole step up from P300 type as you correctly pointed out. You clearly stated that lots are better than P300 but that doesn't seem to be enough for the zealous types..

I don't get it...there's clearly a lot of zeal towards/against certain products. Even though I didn't really sing the praises of the P300..I didn't bash it either. I think the latter is the issue here...I said I grew a decent plant with a P300 but it doesn't have the capability for more than one plant. That could be read as a huge negative for the P300 and it kinda is...but since then I bought it I discovered better and more efficient lighting. Do I regret buying my P300's? of course not. I grew some very nice cannabis with them.

You see..a lot of folks come on here as newbies and ask a lot of questions about growing. within 18 months, a lot of those same newbies are self appointed experts and are very defensive about their favored products. People who have been doing this for decades aren't nearly as defensive or arrogant.

I used to frequent a canadian growing site in the early 90's..all experienced growers and no pissing matches..everyone was there to give or get advice and to enjoy growing our meds. Truly nice informed people. The site was taken down by the canadian cops and was mostly replaced with people who seem to log on to sites to bash or engage in pissing matches. That is what is going on here...a pissing match about friggin lights..

Some of you need to just chill out..
I just like how everyone rags on it and its LITERALLY the best blurple on the market. OBVIOUSLY there are better light now. but I'd like to say Platinum is the best older Blurple manufacturer (their par map and RELIABILITY) (4 years without a diode going out) are better than any other one hands down. black dog doesnt count because they are a scam. and 10X better than mars vipar and meizhi with the amount I see their shit burn out I'm happy I went with a platinum 4 years ago. .... now. you can get blurples in lm51c's through chilled if you want that spectrum in new efficiency but I'd stick with 3000k from now on.
I just like how everyone rags on it and its LITERALLY the best blurple on the market. OBVIOUSLY there are better light now. but I'd like to say Platinum is the best older Blurple manufacturer (their par map and RELIABILITY) (4 years without a diode going out) are better than any other one hands down. black dog doesnt count because they are a scam. and 10X better than mars vipar and meizhi with the amount I see their shit burn out I'm happy I went with a platinum 4 years ago. .... now. you can get blurples in lm51c's through chilled if you want that spectrum in new efficiency but I'd stick with 3000k from now on.

Exactly. Tons of better choices now but that wasn't the case when I bought mine 5 years ago.
This is a pair of Sour Diesel plants I grew in a SCROG under a pair of P300's. Everyone I shared it with said it was the best smoke they ever had. I've been smoking since 1975 and I concur with my was outstanding!

SD 6 weeks in flower_preview.jpeg
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bought a pair of P300's 5 years ago
Yeah. Geuss what. Its 2018, not 2013. What you bought 5 years ago is meaningless. What matters is what's being sold TODAY right from their website for nearly 4 bills. When better technology emerges you don't keep selling the outdated stuff, you discontinue the old and bring in the new. Do you see Ford selling cars with flathead engines?

And the crap about white light being "inefficient by nature". Really? Tell that to the Sun. Their whole "perfected spectrum" nonsense is based on flawed and misunderstood science.
I don't get it...there's clearly a lot of zeal towards/against certain products. Even though I didn't really sing the praises of the P300..I didn't bash it either. I think the latter is the issue here...I said I grew a decent plant with a P300 but it doesn't have the capability for more than one plant. That could be read as a huge negative for the P300 and it kinda is...but since then I bought it I discovered better and more efficient lighting. Do I regret buying my P300's? of course not. I grew some very nice cannabis with them.

You see..a lot of folks come on here as newbies and ask a lot of questions about growing. within 18 months, a lot of those same newbies are self appointed experts and are very defensive about their favored products. People who have been doing this for decades aren't nearly as defensive or arrogant.

I used to frequent a canadian growing site in the early 90's..all experienced growers and no pissing matches..everyone was there to give or get advice and to enjoy growing our meds. Truly nice informed people. The site was taken down by the canadian cops and was mostly replaced with people who seem to log on to sites to bash or engage in pissing matches. That is what is going on here...a pissing match about friggin lights..

Some of you need to just chill out..
It's more than just the Platinum lights being less effecient.

Platinum is ripping off another companies name on top of misrepresenting the true numbers on thier lights.

Fact is they use cheap diodes with poor spectrum and lie about the numbers.

Buy what you want. Use what you want. With the options out now there is no need to recommend such a shady company. Overpriced, underperforming. Why go that route?

Ok you bought it and used it and it grew bud. Most any light will grow bud. That doesn't mean it should be endorsed.

You can get a diy 200 watt citizen cob light for around $200 that will blow p300 out of the water.
It's more than just the Platinum lights being less effecient.

Platinum is ripping off another companies name on top of misrepresenting the true numbers on thier lights.

Fact is they use cheap diodes with poor spectrum and lie about the numbers.

Buy what you want. Use what you want. With the options out now there is no need to recommend such a shady company. Overpriced, underperforming. Why go that route?

Ok you bought it and used it and it grew bud. Most any light will grow bud. That doesn't mean it should be endorsed.

You can get a diy 200 watt citizen cob light for around $200 that will blow p300 out of the water.

HAHA I KNEW THAT WAS COMING. ooh lol looks like advanced platinum couldn't run their company right....
and they put draw from the wall on their web site unlike others. lol. bridgelux diodes? says right on the web site. par readings? he did it in a fucking video. lol
Again if you read the last comment we know what more efficient and cheaper DIY's are. I'm talking about blurples. BEST BLURPLE. PERIOD. for 4 years ago not getting a single fucking burnt out diode. I dont care that it was 40% more. my warranty is STILL ACTIVE lol. on todays market even veros seem like old tech with samsung around now. matter of fact. I think pushing 800w of vero losing that 15% efficiency on my pucks I would have to put my ac back in because I would be out of vpd. hmmmm.
HAHA I KNEW THAT WAS COMING. ooh lol looks like advanced platinum couldn't run their company right and they put draw from the wall on their web site unlike others. lol. bridgelux diodes? says right on the web site.
Again if you read the last comment we know what more efficient and cheaper DIY's are. I'm talking about blurples. BEST BLURPLE. PERIOD. for 4 years ago not getting a single fucking burnt out diode. I dont care that it was 40% more. my warranty is STILL ACTIVE lol. on todays market even veros seem like old tech with samsung around now.
Nope. Far from the best blurple.

I would rather have the unit farm I have. The ufo 80 draws 175 watts and has Cree and osram diodes for about the same price. Screw that.

Buy junk if you want but don't get your panties all twisted when people call it what it is. Junk.

I never said they didn't state the diode used. They lie about the numbers.

that thing is a piece of shit compared to my 350W p600 I paid 250 more for so for par/$ platinum has you beat. I bet you cant even burn your plants with that one.


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