Playing music to flowering plants???


Well-Known Member
Ok, ok i know what you all are thinking. This crazy newb has done way to much acid in high school! Yes i know it sounds dumb. But a few weeks ago I read a published journal that documented the effects of music on plants. (im sorry i dont remember where i found the artical so i cant site it so plagerizing nerds dont get your panties in a bunch about the lack of citation). It said that heavy metal, rap and other "quicker and loud" music made the buds grow small and die! But when classical music and Jazz was played to the plants the flowers doubled and trippled in size!!! So yes, you guys are all now thinking what I am. Could we play classical music and come up with qp master buds:weed:? Sorry I can't find the journal, ill browse around and post it when i find it.


I typed in the same heading "Playing music to flowering plants" on google and got this thread,.. I'd been looking over this site for the past week as my plant is beginning to flower. I have read certain papers on the facts that actually caring, not only treating them right with Ph balances, ferts, right lights etc, they also feel it when you send that universal thing called love.. So I give my plant a hug here and there ;-) so true. And only today I thought about playing my girl some music... Music that came to mind was classical, Bach maybe? I had read this somewhere that classical they respond to.. I don't see why I shouldn't.. Not that I'm in to classical, if my plants like it, I'll let them have a taste :)


Well-Known Member
Mine like reggae and good hip hop. Not radio crap. classical too. That article does not make sense about tempo. Classical and rock are both faster than rap. Rap is always in 4/4 , classical, 6/8, 11/16, rock is what ever and usually never steady. Most bands don't know how to play to a click. Then jazz is all over the place.

Im an audio engineer ( mixing , mastering, recording , and post production)


Well-Known Member
Ok, ok i know what you all are thinking. This crazy newb has done way to much acid in high school! Yes i know it sounds dumb. But a few weeks ago I read a published journal that documented the effects of music on plants. (im sorry i dont remember where i found the artical so i cant site it so plagerizing nerds dont get your panties in a bunch about the lack of citation). It said that heavy metal, rap and other "quicker and loud" music made the buds grow small and die! But when classical music and Jazz was played to the plants the flowers doubled and trippled in size!!! So yes, you guys are all now thinking what I am. Could we play classical music and come up with qp master buds:weed:? Sorry I can't find the journal, ill browse around and post it when i find it.
You believe anything huh? Well if you grow your plants and bring them to me I can make you rich...
Well it might sound stupid or you might not enjoy classical music, but you can read this and come to your own conclusions...

"The classical music will help the plant growth and that the rock music will hinder its growth since studies have showed that classical music even concentrates the human brain and is good for you."

"Dr. Singh, head of Botany at Annamalai University in India studied plants reactions to Classical and Rock music. While listening to Classical and Baroque music, the plants grew 72% more leaves and they grew 20% faster. The plants which were exposed to Rock music grew abnormally tall and died in 2 weeks. The plants which were exposed to Classical and Baroque music ended up leaning towards the speakers instead of the light and the closest plants began to wrap themselves around the speakers."
A California State Science Fair project deduced from tests that "Silence grew the best and healthiest followed by spoken word (Harry Potter). Classical Music (Vivaldi Concertos) ended up just under spoken word. Bringing up the rear was a very small and unhealthy plant that was 'listening' to heavy metal and (harsh) world music (Mudvayne and Rammstein)."...

A Wingate University botanist states, "As you probably know, sound is a wave, and more specifically, a pulse wave. This simply means that it is formed by areas of higher and lower pressure in the atmosphere through which it travels. Terms such as "amplitude," when used in reference to sound, are actually referring to the plot of the air pressure versus time on a graph. Now, it is difficult to beleive that such (extremely small) fluctuations in air pressure could have any effect on a plant's growth. There is very little difference, to a plant, in music and ambient noise.

"However, you might want to consider this question from another perspective. It is possible that in an experiment, plants which are exposed to music may grow more than plants that are not. Why? Because even though it is unlikely that the plants themselves respond to the music, their caretakers do! Maybe the plants which are exposed to music receive better care than those which do not. Might be worth looking into!"

According to the Plant Physiology Information Website, "...Plants have no ears to hear and no brain to process or develop musical taste or music any attempts to show relationships between music forms and growth or other responses have met with total failure in the hands of true scientists."


Well-Known Member
Something I've always wondered is if you fed plants PH neutral water that was flavoured, would it add to the flavour of the plants. I ask this in here as it saves making a new thread, so sorry for hijacking, even if it is a stupid idea(yes i am baked..)


Well-Known Member
I have no proof if the plants like Pink Floyd and/or Black Sabbath, but they are getting it 24/7. I have a radio outside the grow room on 24/7 for a little noise camo.

Peace and Big Buds for All



Active Member
Something I've always wondered is if you fed plants PH neutral water that was flavoured, would it add to the flavour of the plants. I ask this in here as it saves making a new thread, so sorry for hijacking, even if it is a stupid idea(yes i am baked..)

they make products such as botanicare sweet that do this

I play Bob Marley to my plants, Only because I have to have music going while I'm in my grow room or the fans makes me sleepy (I have to sleep with white noise at night)


Well-Known Member
they make products such as botanicare sweet that do this

I play Bob Marley to my plants, Only because I have to have music going while I'm in my grow room or the fans makes me sleepy (I have to sleep with white noise at night)
Really? I genuinely didn't know and I thought I'd get laughed at for asking haha. Thanks.

I've always got some kind of music playing but it ranges from death metal all the way to classical. So meh lol.
My plants enjoy hardcore metal songs such as Embryonic Breeding For Cannabalistic Devourment, Purity Through Dismemberment, Chased Through The Woods By A Rapist, Limbs In The Grinder, and Chainsaw Fiesta. They just can't get enough of it! If the music stops they just wither up and die....

But on a serious note I did a project in biology back in highschool where I had four plants (one had no music the other three had different types of music playing rock, hip hop, and classical) long story short the metal one basically died, the hip hop one was about the same as the plant with no music and the classical was about 4 and half inches bigger after all grew for about 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
My plants enjoy hardcore metal songs such as Embryonic Breeding For Cannabalistic Devourment, Purity Through Dismemberment, Chased Through The Woods By A Rapist, Limbs In The Grinder, and Chainsaw Fiesta. They just can't get enough of it! If the music stops they just wither up and die....

But on a serious note I did a project in biology back in highschool where I had four plants (one had no music the other three had different types of music playing rock, hip hop, and classical) long story short the metal one basically died, the hip hop one was about the same as the plant with no music and the classical was about 4 and half inches bigger after all grew for about 2 weeks.
That sucks about the metal, cause mine seem to like Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden and Pink Floyd ( Maybe the Floyd is cancelling out the metal




Well-Known Member
i am selling 2watt x 2 speaker 4gb grow room mp3 music systems.These units are gauranteed to increase yields by over 500% depending on music genre and strain of plants ..great for LED or HID grow rooms !!! ....they run on adjustable timers and come with a wireless volume control...plug ipod and cell phone or upload up to 4gb of mp3 files to the internal storage..hit me up :bigjoint:


New Member
Mj loves dubstep, but is it worth it if you have to listen to it?

Drum aNd Bass.

It's where dub step stole their bad ass bass lines from, except dnb doesn't have the crappy noise that comes along with dub step.

Also, dnb has much more complex drumming. dub step's drumming is as basic as hip hop.


Well-Known Member
Music/Talking helps plants grow.

Seven small greenhouses were set up on the M5 Industries roof. Four were set up with stereos playing endlessly looping recordings (as having the Mythbusters actually talk to the plants could contaminate the samples with their expelled carbon dioxide): Two of negative speech, two of positive speech (Kari and Scottie each made one positive and one negative soundtrack), a fifth with classical music and a sixth with intense death metal music. A seventh greenhouse, used as a control sample, had no stereo. The greenhouses with the recordings of speech grew better than the control, regardless of whether such talk was kind or angry. The plants in the greenhouse with the recording of classical music grew better, while the plants in the greenhouse with the recording of intense death metal grew best of all.

Doesn't hurt to try.:weed:


Well-Known Member
Drum aNd Bass.

It's where dub step stole their bad ass bass lines from, except dnb doesn't have the crappy noise that comes along with dub step.

Also, dnb has much more complex drumming. dub step's drumming is as basic as hip hop.
It really isn't complex to "master" the main beat used in dnb... When we're talking complex drumming, look no further than Steve Smith of Vital Information. The best drummer on the planet by a very, very long way. Makes Portnoy look like a new kid on his first lesson.

Edit: I know you're not claiming the drumming is complex in dnb like other genre's, I was just looking for a way to speak highly of Steve Smith :D Hope this causes no problems.


Active Member
Really? I genuinely didn't know and I thought I'd get laughed at for asking haha. Thanks.

I've always got some kind of music playing but it ranges from death metal all the way to classical. So meh lol.

for sure man, It comes in grape, berry and raw (sugar cane) flavors. This is my first grow using it, I got the berry even though I really wanted grape (it was cheaper)