Pleace help-" ph, ppm, ec" what is all this?


Active Member
Im haning a hard time understanding all this stuf about ph, ppm, and ec level. How do thy effect eachothere and how do they effect the plant. What would be "good" levels to have. Im realy try to understand all this but im having trouble. But i know there must be method to this madness.


Active Member
Oh man this one can be an in depth answer, but Ill try and keep it short.

PH- acidic levels in the water (HYDRO likes the water to be around 5.6-6.2 while SOIL like to be in the 6.5 range) to test for ph just buy and digital meter or liquid drops from your local or online grow shop

PPM (PARTS PER MILLION) - this is the level or how much nutrient solution is in your water. (PPM will basically tell you how much nutes you put in)

If you are starting plants you would want a very low PPM (the higher the PPM the more nutrients you are giving your plants) as young plants cant handle high nutrient levels, as well as a few select strains do not need alot of nutes either.

Use the pyramid technique when feeding. Start with small amounts or nutes (or if you can buy a ppm meter and measure it that would be best) start at 200PPM and work up. As the plant gets older and stronger jump to 400PPM or increase nutes. During flower you would want to up your PHOSPHUROUS and POTASIUM (this will increase your PPM as well) anything you ADD to the water will increase PPM. Once youve reach anywhere from 1000PPM to 1800PPM mid flower, start backing off as you want to start FLUSHING OR CLEANSING the plant of the salts and chemical build up (unless organic) youve been pumping through them for the duration of the harvest


Active Member
Thanks for the info!
I have a hanna EC/temp test what exacly does that do.can i use it to figgerout ph and ppm levels and if so how?


Active Member
Im pretty sure you can measure temp/ppm for sure. But not too sure about ph. Look on the digital screen, do you see anything that says PH with a number in front of it?


Active Member
Also use Revers Osmosis water. The kind you get out of the machines. PPM can also be any particles in the water other than the water itself. I know there a better way to put that but its not comming to me right now Im blitzed haha. Revers Osmosis water has very low contaminates so when you test just the RO water it will have like 40-100ppm. If you test tap water it can be alot higher do to all the shit in it. THEN when you add nutes youll see that PPM jump way up depending on how much you add.