Please advise! Plant my be having issues


Active Member
I was testing soil PH this morning and one plant that is a little on the light green side tested 6.0. After watering runoff was between 7.0-7.5. Using fox farm nutrients and this plant is growing ok, but has been recovering from Mag def. any steps I should take?

Other 5 plant soil Ph is 6.5, but didn't test runoff of these 5.

Any advice?
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Active Member
can you post some pic's
Sure, here is my NL x Sk1. It got a early overdose of nutrients a month ago and I flushed it. It had mag def and Appears to mostly have recovered. A few fan leaves lower down still have the symptoms and I don't think they will ever recover fully. I am 9 days into flower. Journaling the crap out of everything I do. 2nd grow



Active Member
I can add more info to help. I use fox farm nutrients, six plants in 7 gallon grow bags. I am using vermifire soil. I grow in 6.5' x 6.5 x 9 grow room. I PH my nutrients to 6.5 and water to the same. I grow under 2 600 watt HPS bulbs on 12/12. They are getting 2/3 nutrients per feeding schedule 1 time per week. Other 5 plants are doing great. Lots of tiny bud flowers just forming, but this NLSK1 ph is 6 with above 7 runoff. Another flush? Or just keep a eye to make sure it doesn't get lower?

Bud Tipps

Well-Known Member
Flush with 6.5 PH water until you get it where you need it? What was the ppm at on the runoff water?

Check the ph and ppm of the other plants runoff water when you get a chance, so you can compare.


Well-Known Member
maybe there is not enough drainage in the grow bag, and why not try not ph your water, let the soil buffer it then test the run off, i agree that you should flush, and do you measure your ph after you mix with nutes? as they tend to mess with ph aswell.


Active Member
Flush with 6.5 PH water until you get it where you need it? What was the ppm at on the runoff water?

Check the ph and ppm of the other plants runoff water when you get a chance, so you can compare.
I wish I could check PPM, but I don't have a meter. I feed with distilled water and started out half strength measured nutrients, ph to 6.5. Moved to 2/3 strength and give each plant 3 cups of nutrients. A PPM meter is next purchase but not til August.


Active Member
They look really nice
Thanks, I am in a little paranoid phase probably worrying about everything too much. Last grow( my first) looked great til week 3 of flower and I had a light leak and had huge ph problem which was from lack of knowledge. I ended up turning whole crop to hermies. Smoke was very good still, just too many seeds.


Well-Known Member
I was testing soil PH this morning and one plant that is a little on the light green side tested 6.0. After watering runoff was between 7.0-7.5. Using fox farm nutrients and this plant is growing ok, but has been recovering from Mag def. any steps I should take?

Other 5 plant soil Ph is 6.5, but didn't test runoff of these 5.

Any advice?
yes.......pretty much ignore ph in soil. its hard to get soil out range; it has too much buffer.


Active Member
I'll flush it til it's 6.5. Next water I will test run off on other 5 plants. Here is my grow room pic. 3 white widow, 1 THC bomb, 1 critical mass, and of course northern light skunk 1 hybrid. Thank you
maybe there is not enough drainage in the grow bag, and why not try not ph your water, let the soil buffer it then test the run off, i agree that you should flush, and do you measure your ph after you mix with nutes? as they tend to mess with ph aswell.
I do check PH after I mix nutrients. Flower nutrients are very acidic.

