Please Ban Me: Says the Propagandist Puppet.


Well-Known Member
But I remember very similar PSAs about smack and speed from just that time. They played during the after-school airings of Banana Splits and Brady Bunch.

In fact here is the ad I remember.

Good God that would make me wanna do it...was it reverse psychology??..did you see the size of that rig:shock:

PS...I was an addict for 20+ years...started with oxytocin then opanas n when they ran dry heroin...but speedballing heroin n meth was my favorite...clean for almost 6years now via methadone then switching to suboxone and a good girl in my life making it worth staying clean for


Well-Known Member
Good God that would make me wanna do it...was it reverse psychology??..did you see the size of that rig:shock:

PS...I was an addict for 20+ years...started with oxytocin then opanas n when they ran dry heroin...but speedballing heroin n meth was my favorite...clean for almost 6years now via methadone then switching to suboxone and a good girl in my life making it worth staying clean for
Congrats on being clean. I had a bad Oxy habit. Clean 9 years.


Well-Known Member
I'm better off not looking or knowing.
No doubt...doesn't seem too difficult...after reading it I was looking for seeds online n then stopped ole lady waters my cannabis plants while I'm away for work so I depend on her for growing...she'd never go for it

I can see myself now..."oh cmon baby its a plant its not the same"...:roll:


Well-Known Member
Good God that would make me wanna do it...was it reverse psychology??..did you see the size of that rig:shock:

PS...I was an addict for 20+ years...started with oxytocin then opanas n when they ran dry heroin...but speedballing heroin n meth was my favorite...clean for almost 6years now via methadone then switching to suboxone and a good girl in my life making it worth staying clean for
Mr. "Im very careful about what i put in my body" is at it again


Well-Known Member
Mr. "Im very careful about what i put in my body" is at it again
I knew you'd chime in after that...with that...I was gonna mention it the other day but hesitated...I was gonna say "Nah I won't take a Covid vax but I used to buy Heroin off a complete stranger sometimes and inject it into my vein without a 2nd thought"...

Speaks to how serious an addiction can be and also how much I distrust the government

If I'm gonna play Russian roulette with my life...I at least wanna get high from it
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Well-Known Member
I agree, it's the government's fault. Nobody knew that drugs which got you high were bad for you, except for everyone over the last fifty years.

Think it's a form of "bible brain". Were you raised in a religious household? When you're raised to believe in something like god, where you can hear about crazy magic and ask your parents if it's true and they say "of course it is!!", versus being told "ah it's just a story", then it trains the brain for conflict with a world that doesn't exist. Also why right leaning people are so infuriated by "fake news", because the idea that something which may not be true, is totally confusing and infuriating from the gullibility their parents have fostered. Whereas others who were raised to put very little stock into things other people say, fake news is nothing.


Well-Known Member
I agree, it's the government's fault. Nobody knew that drugs which got you high were bad for you, except for everyone over the last fifty years.

Think it's a form of "bible brain". Were you raised in a religious household? When you're raised to believe in something like god, where you can hear about crazy magic and ask your parents if it's true and they say "of course it is!!", versus being told "ah it's just a story", then it trains the brain for conflict with a world that doesn't exist. Also why right leaning people are so infuriated by "fake news", because the idea that something which may not be true, is totally confusing and infuriating from the gullibility their parents have fostered. Whereas others who were raised to put very little stock into things other people say, fake news is nothing.
No...I figured some of that stuff you said out on my be completely honest n it may be hard for someone who's never been an addict to understand but I loved getting hi so much i was willing to risk my life to do was hi and on a downward spiral constantly...destruction of everything good in my was I living? not really i was just existing...
My distrust of the government comes from prolly being a Gen X'r and alotta LSD when I was young which I truly believe gives you the ability to read between the lines...
My Dad who's 20yrs older than me...65...and is prolly the most level headed man I've ever known...believes in zero conspiracies...doesn't even think there was any foul play with 9/11...finally he thinks something is kinda fishy with the Epstien deal but refuses to entertain any other conspiracy ever...I belive it's just that generation...they were beaten n brainwashed into question nothing, toe the line, the government would never do you wrong its there to protect its citizens...
No...just no

They say that my generation is the 1st generation ever to have less than their parents...and I see it and believe it...the world has changed alot and not for the better
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Well-Known Member
Non-traumatic addition has always baffled me. Anytime I've experienced the downsides of getting too fucked up, it's made me hate the thing that got me fucked up(at least for a while). That's just logical cause and effect, to me anyway.

White people in particular have been getting more and more into tweeker paranoia. I don't know where it comes from. Must be meth in the water.


Well-Known Member
Non-traumatic addition has always baffled me. Anytime I've experienced the downsides of getting too fucked up, it's made me hate the thing that got me fucked up(at least for a while). That's just logical cause and effect, to me anyway.

White people in particular have been getting more and more into tweeker paranoia. I don't know where it comes from. Must be meth in the water.
Meth never really made me paranoid...just made me watch an excessive amount of porn...ha


Well-Known Member
Non-traumatic addition has always baffled me. Anytime I've experienced the downsides of getting too fucked up, it's made me hate the thing that got me fucked up(at least for a while). That's just logical cause and effect, to me anyway.

White people in particular have been getting more and more into tweeker paranoia. I don't know where it comes from. Must be meth in the water.
Some have an addiction in them some don't...I had buddies I grew up with that could buy a gram of blow...toot all night n when the gram was gone go home n sleep it off...others would be up for 3days a thousand dollars and an ounce later before their run was over...I believe it to actually be a difference in brain chemistry


Well-Known Member
No...I figured some of that stuff you said out on my be completely honest n it may be hard for someone who's never been an addict to understand but I loved getting hi so much i was willing to risk my life to do was hi and on a downward spiral constantly...destruction of everything good in my was I living? not really i was just existing...
My distrust of the government comes from prolly being a Gen X'r and alotta LSD when I was young which I truly believe gives you the ability to read between the lines...
My Dad who's 20yrs older than me...65...and is prolly the most level headed man I've ever known...believes in zero conspiracies...doesn't even think there was any foul play with 9/11...finally he thinks something is kinda fishy with the Epstien deal but refuses to entertain any other conspiracy ever...I belive it's just that generation...they were beaten n brainwashed into question nothing, toe the line, the government would never do you wrong its there to protect its citizens...
No...just no

They say that my generation is the 1st generation ever to have less than their parents...and I see it and believe it...the world has changed alot and not for the better
Oh please do not oppose the vax, or masks. This is the stuff that actually matters.


Well-Known Member
Oh please do not oppose the vax, or masks. This is the stuff that actually matters.
I don't have any probs whatsoever with what others choose to do...I'm cautious but I use social distancing...I just got a little heated bc these 2big wigs from the office keep getting on my boat and the both just got over covid and supposedly have tested negative and have been vax' of them caught this new strain while he was thinking he was under the umbrella of the vaccine...

"Stay tf off my boat we're good over here...everything is running smooth...I haven't had covid and don't intend on getting it...yall are out in the public running around and being around God knows who and then just popping up on the boat when you feel the need and in my opinion putting everyone on here at risk >:("


Well-Known Member
The artist or vax is upset bc there's not more ppl of color following its lead?...I wonder where its leading them too?...they all sure to look smart n happy n healthy...I imagine them singing "we're off to see the Wizard the wonderful Wizard of Oz....bc bc bc bc bc of all of the wonderful things he does"...

Anyway...Interesting find i thought
It is, just telling that they are all white in something from the 70's too.

I knew you'd chime in after that...with that...I was gonna mention it the other day but hesitated...I was gonna say "Nah I won't take a Covid vax but I used to buy Heroin off a complete stranger sometimes and inject it into my vein without a 2nd thought"...

Speaks to how serious an addiction can be and also how much I distrust the government

If I'm gonna play Russian roulette with my life...I at least wanna get high from it
I would point out that the government and businesses are not the same and not monolithic. People fill these roles, and I generally trust humanity to do the right thing when it actually gets down to it, because they have to.

No...I figured some of that stuff you said out on my be completely honest n it may be hard for someone who's never been an addict to understand but I loved getting hi so much i was willing to risk my life to do was hi and on a downward spiral constantly...destruction of everything good in my was I living? not really i was just existing...
My distrust of the government comes from prolly being a Gen X'r and alotta LSD when I was young which I truly believe gives you the ability to read between the lines...
My Dad who's 20yrs older than me...65...and is prolly the most level headed man I've ever known...believes in zero conspiracies...doesn't even think there was any foul play with 9/11...finally he thinks something is kinda fishy with the Epstien deal but refuses to entertain any other conspiracy ever...I belive it's just that generation...they were beaten n brainwashed into question nothing, toe the line, the government would never do you wrong its there to protect its citizens...
No...just no

They say that my generation is the 1st generation ever to have less than their parents...and I see it and believe it...the world has changed alot and not for the better
You act like every previous generation was not burning the shit out of the rest of the nation and murdering all the people as they expanded right up until ww2 when they used the taxes from rich people's suction of the economy to build and fill up the suburbs with federal loans.

All that low hanging fruit is gone.

I was always told college was stupid by my dad, and only graduated high school because a teacher got me into sports when I was on a track to quit school. But our generation was lied to, those jobs are there, but too many of them are entirely replaceable with better technology or cheaper to do somewhere else where they don't have to worry about the pollution they dump as much.

Your dad is right about conspiracy theories though IMO.