please can someone tell me what these bugs are?


Active Member
Hi, Please can someone help me. My brother gave me one of his plants to look after for a while & when I went to water it earlier it had little black bugs crawing in the soil & a sort of yellowie colour bugs on the leaves.
I was just wondering if anyone knows what they are and if they are harmful to the plant.

Please, please could someone help before my brother finds out.


Well-Known Member
most bugs are harmful. it's not your fault though. you need some kind of organic bug spray. something used for vegetables.


Well-Known Member
Will insect killer spray work?

if you have the right type. some of these bug killers are pretty strong. they can easily burn the leaves. you can thin it down with water or try to spray a small test area to see if it hurts the plant. i've sprayed plants down only to come back a day later and they are all burnt and crispy.

dish soap and water can work also. mixed some up in a spray bottle and lightly mist the plant with it.