Please check me OUT! Cab Design, Light, Seeds, GROW!


Well-Known Member
waaaay nice man...glad to see your clones are taking well...thats always nerve racking, without your clones you dont have another crop.


Well-Known Member
I am going to plant one of these clones today and get it into my 12/12 flowering chamber. I cant wait to sex this thing out.


Well-Known Member
alright so got a clone planted yesterday. going to mix up some feeding water for all the ladies today, thinking about getting a new carbon filter for the tent cause this one is letting lots of smells through. so today might be an interesting day we shall see!!


Active Member
DSAM... Hey brother, NICE first grow!! Been following since first post and now sub'd & rep'd. Great to see a fellow island grower doing well. Looking forward to your future posts. I just popped some Pineapple Express and Tangerine Dream beans from Attitude. Once my other tent is up I'll start a small journal. A small note on seeds; everything I've ever ordered from Nirvana has been confiscated with accompanying Customs letter(s). On the other hand, all my Attitude orders have come through, EVEN the non-stealth orders. However, in the future I will be making other arrangements with Attitude because not jazzed about having to sign for stealth mode.

Oh, and if Green Hands doesn't have what you are looking for (as they are often out-of-stock on many items), Organic Gardening in Waialua (NS) may have it. Also, if using your HPS, just be wary of the Green Harvest flights (equipped with IR). They are HOT and HEAVY with full federal funding. Fawkers!! Not trying to get you sketched, just want to keep you safe and growing.

Overgrow the Nation brother.


Active Member
Dsam, dude, awesome man! I decided(waywardly) that I wasn't gonna try to clone yet, but awesome job. I was scared to cut the clones cuz I veged for like 3 weeks than flowered so I had a lot of stretch cuz I was using 1 26 watt cfl lol. So I decided to jet flower it out and continue with the lst (which is starting to get more tedious) and grow her out :) than after I pick her fruits try to see what I can do from there. Maybe pick and (try to) revert to veg. We shall see. But good growin man keep up!


Well-Known Member
alright so here I am today! I am having so much fun with this right now its awesome!! I cant wait to actually harvest something but my guess is about a month from harvesting that dwarf red... oh well... just gotta wait. let me know what you guys think! how am I doing?

Full frontal action

some Dwarf Red action

Fruit Autos



Active Member
absolutely amazing.. how many watts is that light? 1000? and when u say SAGE plant.. is that like the "holistic" SAGE plant or is it a pot plant?


Well-Known Member
the light is 400 and the plant is SAGE by TH Seeds its pot absolutely beautiful plant!


Well-Known Member
dude...those buds are gunna be absolutely enormous, and beautiful...the more you grow, the more you notice subtle differences in buds, and they almost ( if they remain healthy that is ) predetermine around about how big they will get. are you still giving them Nitrogen? they have "the claw" so if you are...just stop. lol still looking amazing.


Well-Known Member
I am only giving bloom nutes... no grow nutes. so if they are getting nitrogen then it is minimal amounts. there is about 3 weeks left in that flower so next week will be my last nute watering anyways after that it is straight water with a little molasses.


Active Member
Thanks for the answer on my sage q? Ur plants look awesome man. Awesome first grow, an I'm glad I got to see from the start. Good shit man. Cant wait till u tell us all how she smokes!


Well-Known Member
so my friend is going to do all the mother/clones at his house and I am going to do only flowering... awesome!!! going to run two 400 watt HPS in my tent... just need some more fan power and filter power more pics to come! super excited though!


Well-Known Member
that is nice...what kind of bulbs you using? ive been reading, and hearing alot of very good things about the dual arc. much in fact that when my new 400w comes in, ill be investing in one.


Well-Known Member
nice... right now I just have a GE Luminex bulb its nice but I think this next go around I will get creative and see what different bulbs will do for yeild.


Well-Known Member
nice... right now I just have a GE Luminex bulb its nice but I think this next go around I will get creative and see what different bulbs will do for yeild.
i would for sure...test out dem dual arcs...if you do be sure to let a brotha know how they work.