Please Chime In


Active Member
So I have one 1000w HPS, and underneath it some young clones. Its been 3 days since their first feed, but I am a bit worried because I fed the amount on the General Hydroponics label, reading later than sooner on these boards to only use 1/4 of the strength. But, there is only a little bit of yellowing around the leaves so I'm sure they are not burnt. Fresh water tomorrow, even with 1/4 of GH in should do the trick.

Another concern is the light distance from the young ones. I had it quite close (two feet from the top), but I wanted to raise it up to spread the light to the outer plants. I don't think it was ever too hot for them, but does the "back of the hand" trick work throughout the cycle?

I think the biggest problem, however, is the lack of ventilation right now. As it is there is almost none except for when I am working on it. This should be resolved soon, but could that have a large effect on the clones? I will have a humidifier running during off hours to bring down the moisture that builds up.

If you have thoughts on any of the above, I would like to hear.



Mr I Can Do That For Half
well if the clones have been rooted for less then 2 weeks a 1000 watt light is too much for them to soon. If they are well rooted and ovber 2 weeks old start the light for first week about 24 inches away and work it down to about 18-20 inches. Use the hand test to make sure .Place your hand on top of highest plant with back of hand faceing light .Hold it there and if its warm but comfortable your fine if its hot burning or unconfortable raise the light


Active Member
Like I said, they were just rooted into pots on Saturday. All I have is the 1000w. What if I raise it up to 48 inches or something?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Go buy a $8 florescent shop light at wall mart. Its cheap and works perfect for this stage.Keep it on 24 hours aday and have it almost touching the top of the plants no more then 1 inch away. Do this for 2 weeks then switch the lights if you want of get 2 or 3 shop lights and veg them all the way with those then switch over to 12/12 with the hps 1000 watter


Active Member
k, well my light has to be on for another 16 hours, so I'm just going to raise the shit out of it for the time being. Thanks FF


Mr I Can Do That For Half
No problem. You ll like the 1000 watt light when its flower time though. They work great and make huge dense buds compared to a 400 watt hps.I use my 1000 watt lights sometimes still but have been forced into using 3-5 400 watt lights do to power issues.1000 watt light on 24/7 is about $50-80 buckls a month but in 12 /12 its half that and worth it.Good luck with the grow