Revised Full Plan:
Room: 5ft x 5 ft x 8 ft Bathroom sheetrock on the walls, any moisture leakage will turn it to concrete instead of causing rot. Walls, floor, ceiling, and all metal/wood elements not behind walls painted in one coat Killz, let offgas for 2 weeks, then one coat flat white roofing paint (moisture proof and stretchy) and let to offgas for an additional 2 weeks. My husband is a member of the Oddfellows, and one of his fellow members is an electrician and will be doing all relevant work on this for us. I will have one dedicated breaker, which I believe is two circuits. Any suggestions on how to ask for them to be split/placed? Was thinking one outlet in ceiling and rest waist high? He will also be doing ventilation work, wiring a fan into wall to exterior, plan is a DIY or reasonably cheap carbon scrubber ahead of this fan. Passive intake from house interior, how to light proof this, baffles? Also, is 300 cfm sufficient I plan on having roughly twice the intake as exhaust is this correct for a passive intake? I will never have more than 4 f lowering plants at any one time, most likely just 1-2.
"Light Tent": This idea is courtesy Undercover Cop kiss-ass I will be utilizing two 4ft 4 bulb t5 fixtures. These will be the cheap ones from growzebo on ebay as they look to just be clones of the popular brands and are quite inexpensive while coming with 6500K bulbs included. My hope is put next year's tax return into an investment in an induction fixture so it's ok if the ballast isn't the longest lasting on the market. These lights will be suspended via yo-yos from a welded frame made of small scrap pipe securely attached overhead during the framing process of the room. An "open enclosure" will surround my plants, also putting them on shelves above the concrete floor, with a painted metal grate shelf and plastic catchbasin at the very bottom in case of overwatering. This enclosure will be lined in the mylar/bubblewrap material also suggested by UC. The suspended T5 fixtures can then be angled to accomodate uneven canopy growth before LST/ScrOGing can start. Thank you Undercover! Still planning on working PAR bulbs into my setup as soon as funds allow.
Humidity/Temp: This is still a big concern for me, but I think my husband has a brilliant idea. He wants to put a wall-mount natural gas heater in the den that will also be a part of this overall remodel/repurposing of our closed off garage. He wants to vent it's excess exhaust into the grow room to both warm and enrich with a bit of CO2. Then the filtered air being exhausted from the grow room can be vented into the heater's ducting/chimmney. Both of the passive intakes from the rest of the house would therefore be blocked off for winter time growing in this scenario. In summer, the intake from the heater gets blocked off when it's turned off for the season and the passive intakes from the house opened to take advantage of the dynamics of the swamp (evaporative) cooler we already use anyway. Winter humidity issues I'm not sure - humidifier? Hang wet towels? I guess we'll see how bad of an issue it is.
Medium: Pretty much sub's super soil but with the addition of thoroughly composted horse and goat manure which I can get for free and also the MycoGrow recommended by oTm. Thank you for all your organics help too!!! Planning on a no-nute grow, just EWC tea and sulphur free molasses with every 3rd watering or so. I plan on using filtered water for my girls, the same as I give to my family to drink. Our filter says it removes chloramine and I guess I'll just have to hope it's not a lie. From what I've read passive evaporation/aeration won't remove chloramine like it can chlorine?
Genetics: I'm spoiled, I can get fat healthy clones from a dispensary less than 5 miles from my home whenever I want so long as I give them a few weeks notice to get them established in the medium of my choice. Planning on starting with Lemon Skunk, 1-2 plants for my first grow as they say it's both hardier and higher yielding than the LSD that I want to scrog for my second grow.
Budget is still in negotiation with hubby, but he agrees it will be cheaper in the long run to try and do things right the first time. Right now we're waiting on my W-2 to come in and it also seems like all my other supplies I need the vendors/stores I want to get them from are all saying they'll have their spring stuff in by mid-late Feb so my actual grow will probably have to wait until then. Which will give us plenty of time to get the construction part done in the meantime. Very excited and you guys have all been so wonderful and helpful! Any further comments or suggestions? What did I overlook?
*psychic hugs for everyone*