Please don't destroy me for asking! Need help!


i have a good problem! I am a first time grower and I grow in a cabinet- 1st mistake.... most of my plants grew over the light after endlessly trying to bend them and shape them. Now my bud directly under the light is ready to come off but all the main Colas need a few more weeks because they are not getting light. Can I harvest all the smaller buds under the light without snipping the whole branch? Do I can then have room to Ben my main Colas down to get light? Or do I have to take the whole branch all at once?
You grew some lanky tall sativa.

Gently bend the main cola. Don't go crazy, gentle tug on the top, pulling down. Next day, Do a little more. 550 cord is soft and easy to clip to the pot below.

Harvest what is ripe. Try to get the colas back under the light.

This is reversed. Some folks want to ripen the lower buds after the main cola is done. You're in mirror world.
Yeah harvest the ripe buds and let the rest ripen more. I would say you should try to do this as little as possible, so don't be plucking off 2 or 3 a day, but 7 nugs now and the rest later. Just an example, I don't know how big your plant is
Yea harvest whats ripe. Think of it in your outdoor garden true tomatos, do you harvest every tomato at once? You harvest the ones that are ripe, the ones that are still green you let ripen... i had one big girl take me an extra month to ripen the bottom...

I know its cliche but theres no stupid question. Im sorry you even had to worry about asking, but i understand why you did. And dont worry anyone that wouls lite into a newbie for asking a "stupid" question, there advice prob aint worth listening to. To be that angry in a cannabis forum of all places at someone seeking knowledge probably means they think they know a lot but thay cant figure out with all their "knowledge" why their grow sucks.
i have a good problem! I am a first time grower and I grow in a cabinet- 1st mistake.... most of my plants grew over the light after endlessly trying to bend them and shape them. Now my bud directly under the light is ready to come off but all the main Colas need a few more weeks because they are not getting light. Can I harvest all the smaller buds under the light without snipping the whole branch? Do I can then have room to Ben my main Colas down to get light? Or do I have to take the whole branch all at once?
Yes, you can, If you have some individual flowers that are ready you can take them individually and make room for other buds to get more light and mature more if they need to.