please give some advice.

shit sorry it took so long to reply. yea these are all hydro plants accept for one. they all tend to have good color and they were growing tall until about two weeks ago. itws like they hit a stunt growth. today april 23, 2010. i fed them nutriens(all purpose plant feed) today for the first time. they have been in miracle grow the whole time. this is my first time growing so. but i built a new home for them yesterday and put it to use. a 4 foot by 2 and a half foot box totally capsulated from light. i have two twin tubes. 40 watt flourecent lighting and one 60 watt cfl bulb. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. your grow buddy saintsbaby!!!!!!!​
I'm not sure what kind of advice you're looking for.. At the size they are, they probably don't need any food, especially being in miracle-gro. Even though it's far from ideal for cannabis cultivation, it does have quite a bit of food in it and will support your plants for atleast a month, probably longer.

They are growing in soil, in pots, how are they hydro?
i bought a bag of dro about two months ago and after i smoked the bag, i noiced i had about 7 seeds. only 5 made it. so i am growing them in mg and today i added all purpose plan food to them because of the growth stoppage and the end of the smaller leaves turning yellow. nitrogen. and a couple other reasons as well but i was wondering if im on the right rack eventhough they arent growing that fast. so hopefully ill see results by he time they make 60 days old. that was my enitial goal. do you think they look fine


Well-Known Member
uve got the basics of growing fucked up.....
you bought a bag of hyrdro weed, so u think those seeds are hydro
hydro is a certain method of growing, not a strain
you are in soil, therefore you are not growing hydro, and toss those plants, they are too small fort heir age, you could grow plants that big in 1 and ahlf weeks