Please go to mamabear's


Well-Known Member
Msn, Aim, Yahoo. and PM's im hear.

Lets talk, let me go #1 in the bathroom first


""I just started and bought a complete grow system from slsheds(Sunlightsheds) It came with 400 watt metal halide and HPS lights for grow and bloom periods. The grow light worked great but when it was time for the bloom light it worked only for a couple of days then it no longer fired up. I could not get the thing to light up. So I took a drive to a nice store called hydro-lite and they put the bulb in their ballast and it worked no problem. So I trucked it back home and it would not fire again. I bought a new ballast from Hydro-lite thinking the ballast I got with my system was shot, only the new ballast would not fire up the hps bulb!!!! OK so maybe I need a new hps bulb so yeah I go out and buy a new bulb. Meanwhile I'm emailing SLSheds and telling them the hps won't fire up, so the long and short of it is I've got two ballasts that both will fire up the 400 watt metal halide bulb, and I now have 3 400 watt hps bulbs, none of which work. My Mary Jane did flower and I did get a small buzz I harvested it but I've ordered new seeds and I really want to flower my girls with the proper lites. Please someone help me, why won't the hps's light up????????""

i'm guessing this is what your talking about?


Well-Known Member
i'm moving this to indoor growing. trying to get help. it was when i heard of the pile of ballasts and bulbs that i felt the need to jump in. i'm doing my best.


... i can't really help, though i'd like to... i figured getting the question actually on the thread might help mama out a bit.. lol

do what i can... haha
so, you lighting experts, whats up?

Micheal Kelso

Well-Known Member
The only thing that I can think of is if it is a switchable ballast - there should be some kind of switch on it to change from MH to HPS ---

The HPS part of the ballast could be blown, I would exchange it for a new one if possible.

That's all I got :)


Active Member
The only thing that I can think of is if it is a switchable ballast - there should be some kind of switch on it to change from MH to HPS ---

The HPS part of the ballast could be blown, I would exchange it for a new one if possible.

That's all I got :)
That is a good point. It could even just be the actual switch that is broken. If it is not a switchable ballast then check where the bulb screws into the socket. (Unplug the light first!)There is a tab that sticks up that the bottom of the bulb has to make contact with in order to light up. Sometimes this tab is not sticking up enough to touch the bottom of the bulb. It can be easily bent up with a small screwdriver or needle-nose pliers. But that probably isn't your problem if the same socket lights up the MH bulb. Unless the bulbs are made differently.


Well-Known Member
have you tryd banging the ballast with an hamer?,,,,,,,,,,,,lol,,,,and if that dont work bang the bulb but dont brake it,,lol