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Hi everyone, this is my first grow and so far i have had a few setbacks but now i am up and running, i am using a my own mix of soil ( a good organic soil, perlite,vermiculite and fresh mole castings). Im using 3 flourecent lights to veg and have got a 400w sunmaster dual spectrum for the flower stage. Im using canna terra vega for the veg nutes and have canna terra flores for the flower stage, i also have pk13-14 and canna boost. This is the straight forward bit, the plant im growing is either a ak48 or superhaze, my partner opened the grow room and the lables went everywhere and got mixed up :cuss: im hoping its the ak.

The first picture was taken 21/06/11
The second was taken on the 30/06/11
and the last was taken 10/07/11

First question does it look good ???
second question when should i change the light cycle from 18-6 to 12-12 ?
Any help would be appreciated. Increase the peace

Your plants look fine , as for vegging some people recommend 4 weeks but it really depends on how much you want off your plant i like to veg for 8 - 10 weeks this way i get a lot of cola for my time .. PEACE
they look great good work...I mean if you want you can switch them now but I would wait like 3 more weeks...when your plants flower they'll grow like crazy and get way bigger
Thanks guys, is it normal for the branches to double up i mean on the nodes i have double branches coming out of 1 node so 4 branches to 1 node ? that is worded rubbish but its the best i can do to describe ??? Think i will leave it veg for another 3-4 weeks as thsat seems to be the advice im getting.


Active Member
I think you may be better off using the 400W for veg. Floros are great for situations, like high heat areas with little ventilation, or germ/clone/seedlings.. but after a couple of weeks give em the glory of the mini-sun inside!
Oh and the weather is real messed up at the moment so i got to keep an eye on temp, it can drop to 20c and go above 30c im trying to keep it to 25-27 buy turning on the hps to heat up and fans to cool down.


Active Member
Yes. That's what they are designed for. It won't be "quite" as good as a pure MH for veg and pure HPS for flower, but it will be close. And it will make those 3 floros look like you were growing in the dark.


Active Member
At this stage you should be doing 24/7 lights anyway unless you have some major heat periods where you want lights off. At minimum you want 18/6. Don't think it matters when you change, just kep the lights 6-12" higher than you normally would the first day and move it down so they can acclimate. Shouldn't take but 2 days to get them hardy enough for the lumens.

And watch the heat. Don't go over 90F peak for long.. 78-84 would be great.


Well-Known Member
That's a nice healthy stem and it's showing pistils already. Decide on a pruning technique and flip the switch


Active Member
If you have an available HPS I'd use it. I've been keeping my fluorescents really close to my plants. I've even burned them a few times but they're still stretching like crazy and the flowering is much to be desired. You wouldn't have problems like this with a hps. Going off your pic there it looks like a female. Yea, it looks like you're ready for flowering. Slap that puppy on a 12/12.
That's a nice healthy stem and it's showing pistils already. Decide on a pruning technique and flip the switch
What do you mean by pruning technique ? ? ? I was just going to let her grow as she wanted, going to change the nutes over in a week, i have already added canna boost to my veg nutes please any help and advice will be taken on board.
If you have an available HPS I'd use it. I've been keeping my fluorescents really close to my plants. I've even burned them a few times but they're still stretching like crazy and the flowering is much to be desired. You wouldn't have problems like this with a hps. Going off your pic there it looks like a female. Yea, it looks like you're ready for flowering. Slap that puppy on a 12/12.

Money is tight was going to get this one down and then get a 400w mh and a 400w full hps as my ballast can use both, and maybe a cooltube as temp is an issue in my tent.