Please help! 2 weeks old and sign of problems again!


Active Member
hi there.
could anyone help me please. These plants are 16 days old. they looked ok till now, maybe they are little bit too green, which is dificult to see from photos. But 2 days ago they developed a few small spots and today it got worse, plus bottom leaves are turning yelow. On one of the plants the leaves are curling little bit upwards. I've used little bit of nutes yesterday, one third of recomended ammount, some 8-2-6 mix and I am using 6.5 ph water for watering and I am growing in soil. Any ideas?
thanks for reply!



Active Member
just to add some info. It is a worm growdrobe, about 29C and it's painted white. Air flow provided and light is suplied by 400W MH lamp.

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
To be honest they look fine. People worry to much about the leaves yellowing. If I were you I'd start reading the FAQ on the link at the top of the page. I have several charts in my thread on how to diagnoise sick plants. If you want to see what plants can look like and come back to be a great producing plant click the link in my signiture.


Active Member
well, maybe I allready read too much :) that's why I am worried. Yellowing plants wouldn't bother me, but those spots are alarming. and also the speed they appeared. now I dont know if I should rise the amount of nutes or wait with them for bit longer. Here's couple more detailed pictures.See, this is my second growth and the first one ended up very badly. plants just died. I didn't have a ph metr then and by the time I've got it they were yelow as bananas. Nute lock. But this is diferent.


It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
How do you water them? It looks like you might have splashed water with nutes in it on the lower leaves when you watered them. The water can turn into a magnifying glass with the lights on that can burn your plant. That's why people don't folir feed when the lights are on. The leaves will never heal, you should look for new problems in your new growth. When the leaves have been sucked almost dry pull them off....


Active Member
I was thinking the same. I might happened. But when it comes with those yelow leaves I started to be worried and I thought I'll ask for help. I use 24/7 lights so i can't water them at dark shal I give them bit of a darkness every day? Could it be heat stress as I have quite a high temperature inside. but I thought that it would show on top leaves.

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Yellow is not heat stress. The leaves will curl down at the tip and they will shoot straight up and fold. They are trying to reduce the amount of surface area exposed to the heat source. Yellowing spots come from spider mites, nutes, or watering. When the whole leaf turns yellow it can be lack of N or to much water. You will get the hang of this fairly quickly. Once I understood the importance of phing my water I saved my plants and will be harvesting one in a week. They have come along way. I've always done landscaping as a hobby but that doesn't make me a gardener. Keep reading, you can't read to much and don't over react to a problem. When in doubt flush it out.... Yes they are the same plants in the last pic as the first three...



Active Member
well, thanks mate. I'll see how it goes. Ph is corect 6.5, and it has got nutes just once in it short life, so I wont panic and I wont flush. I'll give them nutes in next couple of days and see how it goes. I'll keep posting.


Active Member
I just checked the plants again and I am sure it's not a spill on leaves. I am usually careful with that i just spilled little bit last time but I know wher. And after I checked i know that those spots are on diferent places. Also, they are quite grey in the middle and on the edges of some of thoe affected leaves green tissue is dry.


It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
The leaves that are already damaged will continue to get worse til they get to the point you should pull them. If it bothers you pull them now. New problems will show up in your new growth.


Active Member
ok. but what is the cause? What am I doing wrong? The things like that wont come up without reason and I want to find it and avoid it. It comes to main question. Shall I continoe with nutes and slowly rise the ammount or not. i know I might be bit irritating, but man, I don't want to throw away my second crop, because last time it took quite a short time and it was fucked.


Active Member
one more question. do you think that 15 days old plant is in the right age for first small ammount of nutes? how often afterwards you woul fertilize again? every watering as bottle says or once a week?

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Yes 15 day old plants do not need nutes. With the soil mix you described you should be able to veg a month at least. Seedlings do not draw that much from the soil and the roots havent spread into the whole pot so the soil is still fertile. I didn't add any nutes til they were 5-6 weeks old. I started them on 1/4 strenght then slowly added til it was full strength by week 8. I've given flower nutes since they went into flower on March 10.


Active Member
now I'am really nervous. Plants got much worse since yesterday. I havent done a think with them since yesterday. On some leaves appeared light green spots of dead tissue. Anyone help please



Active Member
it could be a magnesium deficiency, I had similar problems, the leaves curled up and spots came from no where over night. And the leaves started to yellow. I gave them epsom salt, if it's not mag def. and you give it epsom salt it won't hurt them so you might want to try that.
Mine curled up completely and got crisp and gray brown, so I removed them.
Good luck


Active Member
i was thinking about magnesium or mangan def as well, but than what I've been advised by others was that I shouldn't have any def's at 15 day veg in soil. So, I am utterly confused...


Active Member
Maybe your PH is to high. I'm growing in coco and i know mine should be around 5.8-6.2. I'm not sure about soil. You might have a nute lockout where the nutes are there but since your PH is off they can't be used.
Mine was 5.6 and I figured out that in coco the PH has to be between 5.9-6.1 for the magnesium to be used. I changed my Ph to 6.0 and now the plant is doing fine.
good luck:peace: