Please Help! 3rd post trying to solve this "defeciency". (Pics)

Bud Tipps

Well-Known Member
If you fed it water at 6.5 PH and the runoff was 6 then the soil is likely too acidic. I'm not sure what the best way to correct it is, maybe higher PH water around 7.0? I would try growing in a different mix next time.


Active Member
If your PH is correct.

That is a Nitrogen Deficiency.

Can you post what nutes you are using and what they state they contain nutrient wise.

And also, They say no ph needed. I have seen many nutes say this but you still need to check it. Your water varies from time to time as well as the nutes you are adding. You always need to check.

Also your soil changes during a grow. Especially if you start killing off microbes somehow. Alsways check PH.

Just posted this in another section but it is a helpful graph.

View attachment 2888531


If your PH is correct.

That is a Nitrogen Deficiency.

Can you post what nutes you are using and what they state they contain nutrient wise.

And also, They say no ph needed. I have seen many nutes say this but you still need to check it. Your water varies from time to time as well as the nutes you are adding. You always need to check.

Also your soil changes during a grow. Especially if you start killing off microbes somehow. Alsways check PH.

Just posted this in another section but it is a helpful graph.
So here's a picture of the line of nutrients I use. You should be able to see the NPK values for each. I follow the recommended feeding schedule that was with the nutrients. I just got the maxibloom and maxigrow nutes in the top left and right. I'm going to try those with one plant and see how it looks.
I have adjusted the ph to around 6.5 with no noticeable difference in plant health. I tried it for about a month, then gave up.

Here is the GH Organics feeding schedule I follow nutez175547.jpg


So I got a 100x microscope and I cant find any bugs at all. Unless its some sort of virus I think I'm good there. I keep my grow room pretty clean.

My plan now is to double the dosage of nutrients during feeding. I will continue with the General Organics line with 3 plants and try the maxibloom chemical nutrients on 1 plant.

Just to make everybody happy I will ph the nutrient water up to 6.8 so the run off should be around 6.5.

Any other suggestions? I'll keep you updated with the results. Thanks for all the feedback. keep it coming.


Active Member
pH run off readings tell you NOTHING of what the substrate pH is. Another forum myth. GH knows what they are talking about when they say you don;t need to adjust your pH in an organinc grow. I'm almost 99% sure pH is hardly the issue here....


Active Member
If your PH is correct.

That is a Nitrogen Deficiency.

Can you post what nutes you are using and what they state they contain nutrient wise.

And also, They say no ph needed. I have seen many nutes say this but you still need to check it. Your water varies from time to time as well as the nutes you are adding. You always need to check.

Also your soil changes during a grow. Especially if you start killing off microbes somehow. Alsways check PH.

Just posted this in another section but it is a helpful graph.

View attachment 2888531
I have to disagree with you here, organic grows in general have a high buffer range and ability to take different pH levels through the grow. And people still think that reading pH levels through run off give you any idea what your pH substrate is need to do more research. It simply is not true at all.

And people that are relying on a pH "probe" should realize they are not very accurate at all, studies have shown they are off by more than a whole point in pH readings....


Well-Known Member
I would say a few problems...

PH runoff of 6 when the water is 6.8 means the soil is probably closer to 5.3-.5.5 which is to acidic so your locking nutes out

You got nute burn...prob from the heavy cal mg feeding and its probably locked from the soil so your just burning instead of feeding

n deficiency...probably from ph

and looks like you have mites.


oops...It looks like I have Thrips. Thanks for catching that everyone. Sorry for doubting. There's not very many of them, hard to believe they were causing all that damage. gonna get some Pyrethrum tomorrow.


I found some insect killer withpyrethrum in it at home depot. Sprayed the plants 4 days ago and all those little thrips are gone. I'll spray again in a couple days just to make sure.

I don't think that was my only problem but the damage specific to thrips has stopped. Ive been giving them full strength nutrients now and the yellowing of the bottom leaves looks to at least be slowing down if not totally stopped.

The only problem now is that on 2 of the 4 plants the bottom half of the fan leaves are drooping downward and have very purple stems. This purple stem trait is only exhibited on these 2 plants and only on the lower half of the plant. these same 2 plants have much thinner stems and trunk. I thought first it was just over watered but have found that is not the case. It is also not temperature realated. What could this be?


Well-Known Member
PH when your water when you add nutes, water more often,or change everything. I suggest Fox Farms Ocean Forest and their trio of nutes. Also suggest 3 gal- 5 gal smart pots. With the 3 gallon water every 4 days 1/2 gal. 5 gal use one whole gal of water. Don't give nutes for 3 2weeks then start about 1/4 strength. With respect to the yellowing, fan leaves always yellow as you get closer to harvest.