Please help a new dealer out.


Active Member
dont tell ppl ull call them back unless u mean it. thats a good tip i hate it. i like to have news even if its bad.


Well-Known Member
Well im wondering how many grams should I give for the following prices. Its some good weed its some fire.
How Much For 10 Dollars
How Much For 20 Dollars
Thanks If You Help Me
You don't know how much weed goes for in your area?....Maybe you shouldn't be dealin. You're gonna get robbed.


Well-Known Member
all depends on how much u bought ur weed for so post what amount and the price which u bought it for and type of weed..


Active Member
Well i kno how much it goes for i just dont kno the exact grams. i bought a ounce of some fire its some really good shit 1 joint got 4 people high as fuk.
I got the ounce for cheap as fuk cuz i got it from my dude and he hooks his sacks up fat as hell.


Well-Known Member
Who the fucks sells wee for 10's and 20's. Either people in the ghetto or (I know your not in the ghetto b/c you have a computer and internet access$$$) or kids that steal weed from their parents stash and try to sell it at school;-). So come clean:neutral:. (It's OK, bro I did it too back in the day, you don't have to be ashamed and lie.) If you know how much O's go for you should know how much everything else does.


Well-Known Member
This a marijuana growers forum not a dealers forum...I'll give you a hint your trying to make a profit..
Who cares? Growing it is illegal too. So is smoking. Why is everybody so anti-dealer on this site? Somebody has to get the weed to you when your not growing it...But, on the other hand, I wouldn't talk about it about b/c cops watch this site.


Well-Known Member
10 bills = .5g 20 bills= 1g and make other deals like 2 for 35 or 3 for 50 inseada chargin like 60 for 3 theyll keep comeing back


Well-Known Member
Damn, I just realized this is about the 5th ever highest I've ever been in my life. I quit for nine day to get drug tested for my P.O. and I just smoked a two bowls out of my bubbler of some dank...I can't really feel my face right now. This is awesome, I've been this high in so long...I got to get off the internet now, I don't want to lose my high by typing...:peace:...And don't sell weed kid, you'll get busted. That's what I did to get on probation, now I can't smoke weed 1 week out of every month. It sucks, don't do it.


Well-Known Member
10 bills = .5g 20 bills= 1g and make other deals like 2 for 35 or 3 for 50 inseada chargin like 60 for 3 theyll keep comeing back
WTF are you talking about:confused: Are these regs prices or something, 2 for 35 3 for 50, Wtf are you saying, I've never seen weed prices like that. It sounds like your talking giiberish


Well-Known Member
well over on the east side of the states

.4 = 10
.8 = 20

i actually was told by someone who's been doing it for a long time (uses and knows dealers) today.

but wasn't sure if it was for all types.......or for nothern light cause that's what we mainly was talking about.

i'm new myself


New Member
i duno about prices in the states but over here in britian where i live at i get 3.5=8th for £20 qr=£35 etc but alot of peeps be doing little 1.5 gram bags for £10 now kinda regardless of how many you buy obviously to maximize profit!keys are about
£3000 ere!id rather sell buy the nine or key than do the small baggies!its too much hasle!