Please help a new grower

My personal fav was his calling this a blog!! Obviously new to the entire internet thing! LOL
  1. a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.
Also I'm a woman, it's sad a bunch of grown ass men feel threatened that I know my shit and have to find comfort in thinking I'm a guy. You all just seriously made my night. Thank you all....

Love Lola :P
  1. a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.
Also I'm a woman, it's sad a bunch of grown ass men feel threatened that I know my shit and have to find comfort in thinking I'm a guy. You all just seriously made my night. Thank you all....

Love Lola :P
Funny you think you know shit. Your plants say otherwise.

You should probably get your boyfriend to come help. For the plants sake.

Or does he grow shit plants too?
  1. a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.
Also I'm a woman, it's sad a bunch of grown ass men feel threatened that I know my shit and have to find comfort in thinking I'm a guy. You all just seriously made my night. Thank you all....

Love Lola :P
LOL not even close. This is a forum and it's huge. Oh and FYI it's run by the NSA, enjoy your stay.
Well even if you queers cant grow weed. Im talking about @Indacouch and @bob whatever the fuck.

Doesnt mean your not funny.

And yet
Its a she you fucking twink

You don't even make sense. Seriously.

You should ask your boyfriend for help with the plants too. Lol
If it doesnt make sense your uneducated. But everyone but you allready knew that much.

Sorry you had to find out from me. Figured your mom or an uncle or something might have enlightened you earlier. Oops.
You quoted yourself and totally fucked up posting AGAIN!!

That's what happens when your trying to type so fast it looks like your trying to knock yourself out.

Do you have some kind of condition?
Not everyone sits at a pc all day.

Using my shitty phone running tor. But you allready know that ......because of your......condition.....