Please help a new grower

I am not an experienced grower but even I know to stay away from miracle grow u have to be experienced to know how to mix it to where it is helping and not hurting your grow. And as far as Lola and a long one for u they know what they are talking bout I have gotten advise from both and it was always good advice.......
Thanks TX. I think his anal hurts!!!
Ha. Lets see some pics from your badass miracle grow plants then bud? Telling him to get out of MG and into something more beginner friendly is great advice.

Telling him to use pure MG in a pot and add 20-20-20 is the only joke here besides you.
Now you are saying I don't even grow?
Could you be more of a noob? Seriously.
Do a little research before you start insulting people... :dunce: :cuss::dunce:
I brought my plant indoors for 36 hours to start the flowering phase. I've been doing 12/12 light for two days now. The newer leaves are getting a little better but some are still browning. This is my first plant ever. It's outdoors I keep it shaded sometimes due to high heat outside. I use regular water to water it. And am using miracle grow moisture control. Could it be from foreign debris on the leaves from being in my closet for 36 hours? Or heat stress? Anyone please? Also should I remove the dying leaves or let nature work it's magic ?View attachment 3951707 View attachment 3951709 View attachment 3951713
Op are you going to put this plant outside again? If so ,is it fall where you live. If the days are to long it's going to reveg .
Just so everyone is on the same page...
This is Miracle Gro moisture control potting soil.

NPK = 0.21-0.11-0.16
Your the noob. You clearly said mg is fine to grow with and hey give it 20-20-20. Go look through the thread.

I agree it needs food. But if it was in mg that should not be the case especially at what 14 inches tall?
So if it has the nutes available but is not getting what it needs.......probably locked out or a ph problem.
Hence the transplant into friendlier soil.
Get real. Your not least not in the way you think.....more like the helmet kind of special.
Now they think I actually use Miracle Gro! (They still have not figured out how to spell it correctly.)
I *said* to use anything with lots of nitrogen because the plant is starving -- and it is.
Their reading comprehension is dismal so I'm guessing school is out... :dunce:
Typical of a millennial. Quote bad grammer and spelling over the topic.
Grow up junior.
Some day you will be mature enough to admit it when you are wrong.
I pity anyone who takes your advice. :dunce:
You would be the only one. I see trichs on 90 percent of my vegging plants.....its called good genetics.

Typical to assume noone grows as well as you. Most millennials have that mentality.

Think your the shit trying to bring vets in on the convo when little do you know I'm pming them as your attempting to head them to your cause.
Everyone can grow wees and everyone should. I gave the new grower sound advice where you attempted to compound the problem. And now are just angry as your thoughtless posts show.

Ill post a few pics of my unsound advice gramps......these are quick cell phone pics. Ill get a camera tonight for some macros. Plants are day 15 of flower. Some in miracle gro. Some not. Some transplanted out of mg some never touched it. So i guess i have no clue?
Take my advice. Stick to topics you know.
Like maybe outdoor growing?
Or big container growing?
Maybe stfu and stay out of threads you dont know shit about?


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Both of you idiots giving advice should shut the fuck up. You obviously have no clue what you are talking about and this poor guy needs help!
Hey :finger: .... You're the one clueless. You're just salty because you were called out on your bullshit. Plant killer, don't come for me unless I send for you. Home Depot shopping ass ....
Thanks. You and Lola rock to!

This guy shows 1 pic of a vegging plant and we are supposed to just shut up and listen. Fuck that. My pics prove what i tell anyone as advice wont ruin anything least of all their plants....

Growers HELPING growers.

Only thing i need now is a flux capacitor.........
