please help, advice.5 weeks into flowering. something is stopping my budding growth.


Active Member
Same here this is my very first grow and I'd thought I'd use bag seeds as my sort of test run while I was getting my gear. I have battled spider mites but seems like I still grew a decent plant till now. I have some paradise seeds from attitude and I'm about to drop these beans as soon as this bag seed finishes.


Well-Known Member
You gotta pay more attention to your plants man.. I look at mine at least 2x's a day, morning and night. Talk to them, love them, and keep an eye out for shit growing that isn't supposed to be.

The more attention you give them the better they do.
yeah getting those balls before they opened would of been better
hey for your first grow you should atleast be happy you will get something to smoke, alot of growers end up with males on there first try ;)


Active Member
Well I'm glad I learned these hard lessons on bag weed as opposed to my real deal feminized seeds. I have some white berry and BCN Diesel might just go ahead and pop them in some water this week.


Well-Known Member
good luck with that man, i have these seeds from nirvana. which seeds should i get next feminized or what. someone said on this page that the feminized seeds have a bigger chance of being a hemir


Active Member
Hermies usually come from bag seeds of regular grade. A reputable seed bank would have breeders that produce female seeds. I'm guessing there must be a process equivalent to an ultra sound that you can tell the gender. But then again this stuff that I have read as I haven't even begun to grow this yet.


Well-Known Member
good luck with that man, i have these seeds from nirvana. which seeds should i get next feminized or what. someone said on this page that the feminized seeds have a bigger chance of being a hemir
Feminized seeds are female but are prone to hermie if under stress


Well-Known Member
man let me tell you i put so much freaking work in to learning on how to get these girls up and now i think i ruined both of them with one of them being hermie :/ look how beautiful they grew out to be...

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Well-Known Member
can i put the hermie in a closet thats in the same room with the other one or it will ruin it still being there. what should i do with this one get rid of it ?? fuck man


Well-Known Member

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so i guess my other female also became a hermi from what it looks like right ?? there is no way to cut those balls that are in that bud. how am i suppose to go on doing that ?


Well-Known Member
that sux man you done such a good job aswell because they look so great and then it had to go fuck itself and become a hermie lol!
Try snip as much balls as you can then leave it, if you were to put the hermie in the same room as the female the pollen will still get to it, pollen can travel upto miles in the air, especially if theres alot of air circulation in there


Well-Known Member
yeahh i fucked both of them up but i learned my lesson for my next grow. i think i got them to become a hermie because in the beginning i had a problem with light entering the room. they would wake up at 9am and it gets light out at 6 get me until i fucking black bagged my window which was to late. i believe that stress made them in to hermies other wise i would still have beautiful girls. i chopped off as much little ones with balls as i seen but its hard to get in to the buds already :/ atleast i have some bud lol. let me ask you a question do i need those little nugs that grow in the middle of the stem or chop them off on my next grow ??
not bad for my first grow. my second one should be good. with the size of these 2 plants how much bud u think i would get out of them? 2oz is nothing :/. arent u suppose to get more than that ?


Well-Known Member
good thing is, if you started with a female and then it turned hermie, any seed you get from them should be female
regarding how much you will yield is unknown, some people get couple ounces froma plant, some get a pound and yes some get only like 14grams....
It all depends on the how long you veg, strain/genetics of your plant, your environment, lights etc...


Well-Known Member
true, so i am gonna have a lot of female seeds lol. as you can see i came them some good time to veg because there big and tall. should i let them get that tall on my next grow or what? i was thinking maybe going half that height. these babies reached my chin and i am 6 1..