Please help advice needed im so close


New Member
Hi everybody im new on here i use the site lots just dont like posting things on the net but im in trouble ! this is my first grow im growing under 250w hps, sgrog bio bizz nutes and advanced nutrients overdrive ... I flushed my plants through the other week they looked great but the leaves at the top of the bud sites and the top buds seemed crispy so i flushed ... they went much lighter green a few days ago thou they started to have yellow spots on the leaves and the big fan leaves started to drop of the newer growth looks much better after i flushed the buds seemed much softer should they be soft or hard nuggets ive allowed 2 weeks transition after i switched the lights and now on week 6 of flower ( 8 weeks since i turned my lights) the main plants a white widow, the 5 buds in the top left corner is an exodus cheese plant i chucked in ! that stinks the widow dosnt really smell very strong but loads of crystals and oil s this normal ? . Please Help im so close i dont want to mess it up. Heres some pics any advice, comments or critisism very welcome !




Active Member
If you switched from veg lighting to a 12/12 cycle 8 weeks ago, Im pretty sure youre on week 8 of flower. I dont know where you got the idea of this 2 weeks transition period. ??

Do you have a scope? If you do you should check out your buds under magnification and if the majority of the trichromes are a cloudy/milky color then it is time to harvest. And if it is time to harvest then you wont need to worry about a lot of what youre worrying about.

Btw do you have bugs/mites in your garden? Almost looks like it to me with those tiny dots on the leaves... again a scope would allow you to check for these mites if they exist


New Member
Hi thanks for reading my post and offering your advice ....

Its been a week since the photos were taken and after i gave them some epsom salts they look much better. i took a small bud off it last tuesday and tryed it yesterday ( thats not ready yet but got me shot :bigjoint: !) ive not feed them anymore just letting them use whats in the soil ? I got a microscope thankfully no bugs that i could see ! and have been taking a close look at the trichomes.

having read some other posts i thought you counted from when the buds had started to show proper bud spots etc so thought i would need to add a week or 2 onto the ten weeks if i dont then tomorrow will be begining of week 10 ....

as i said i havnt fed them any more since tuesday but was gonna give them water from now on to flush ? was gonna either flush them over the corse of the week and see what they look like then or do you think i would be better to leech them through say tonight ( think i would need to give them 30L - 3 times my pot size ?)

they still dont really smell im hoping they will once i have cured it a bit .... i think ive made several school boy mistakes which im gonna do different next time i think i will start a grow diary later as ive got some seedlings going and 1 cutting ready for when i cut this one i will put some more photots on later when the light goes on.

Thanks have a good day


Well-Known Member
White Widow that I have grown does not have a strong odour but there are many WW strains out there. Also r u sure they are not ready? And the leaves do start to look pretty bad near the end of the grow, its normal. And proper curing will bring out all of the essential oil smells and increase the effect.