please help, after germination they stop growing


New Member
i can clone, with success everytime, but i cannot start from seeds to save my life, they grow about an inch after germination then stop growing, turn pale green to yellow and die, i tried them in rock wool and now in organic soil.

250 cfl light, i have just put a 400w hps aswell thinking that would help
and watered every 2 or 3 days depending on how dry the soil is no nuits added,

can any one help.



New Member
cheers, i water them every 2 to 3 days i stick my finger in and the soil is almost dry, are these able to be saved u think?


Active Member
maybe, but they look pretty sickly. Make sure that you don't have any fungus gnats or anything in the soil chomping away at root starts. Rockwool seems easiest to me. I keep them as dry as I can while keeping them moist....does that make sense? On small seedlings like that I might dribble them with water after 5-7 days.....I know situations are different, but they look like you're drowning them. Remember that they are little and just forming roots. They are not able to update very much water at all at this point


New Member
yeah, with clones i have the rock wool just moist and see roots within 7 to 10 days, not a problem, i might try the same moisture with new seeds and give up on these little guys. 4 weeks and this. iv reserched u tube and these forums with shitty results. how often would u water them if the soil is dry after 3 days
use a rapid rooter. your damping them off. the rapid rooter drys up so well you can just mist it daily. 3 to 5 days after they pop kill the heat and dome. transplant into next container with no risk of ruining the fragile seedling thanks to the plug. 100 percent success every time


New Member
these able to be saved u think? i will stop using the domes and water them ever 4 to 5 days and see how they go?


Well-Known Member
dump beans into a small glass of rainwater. plant all the seeds that sank after about 24 hours in 2" peat pots with seed start mix. keep just moist. the end :)
seedlings like to elongate so using soil makes ur transplant very touchy due to minimal root grip. but if you want to use soil make sure to let it dry up because what your describing is called damping off . the seed has enough food for the first 2 weeks from its shell alone. after that use more P for the next few weeks untill the plant exits the seedling stage. then start in with more N to power chlorophyll production.


New Member
cheers guys, i think ill keep the same set up but with rock wool instead of soil, and start with new seeds and just keep the fuked ones and see how they go.
if there still alive u most likely can save them. i know it doesn't seem like it but seeds are not as touchy as clones. ditch the heat and water. those wont need water for more like 2 weeks due to how small the root system is right now. just mist the plant every 12 to 24 hrs or as needed for a few days. keep temps above 70.


Active Member
You might want to take your light up a few inches. Maybe don't pound them with light until they have recovered a bit. <--just thinknig
the rapid rooter plugs are made form willow bark which promotes more sucess. but if rock wool works for you which it does for many people have at it