Please help asap small weed seedlings tips turning brown

HI EVERYONE, i have 1 week old seedlings growing under cfl lights, and the tips of the seedlings are turning brown i haven't fertilized or any think just worried they are gonna die.
so can someone list some of the reasons why this could be happening?

i know there not the best photos but you can kinda see the tips are browning, so can someone list some of the reasons why this could be happening?


Well-Known Member
To rich of a soil would be my 1st guess. Like trying to grow seeds in Ocean Forest instead of Light Warrior for example.
maybe your soil has already some nutrients in it, i would observe the plant and if its getting worse maybe rescure repot her into a cocos pot or sth. like that


Well-Known Member
They might make it if you just leave them alone and use only water for the next 3-4 weeks. Transplanting is an option, but it's risky. You have to carefully tease the roots free from the soil without damaging them.

If you have to do this when there are still a seedling, the easiest way would be to lift the container upside down and tap the soil out. It might even be useful to get a bottle of water and gently flood the soil, focusing on just where the roots are. If the roots are short it's pretty easy, but if they're long or if they've branches out, the risk of tearing them is a lot higher.

I'd only risk doing a transplant if you feel you've made a big mistake and it's your only option to save them. For your new medium I strongly suggest either Miracle Grow Seed Starting Mix, Fox Farm Light Warrior, or using pure coco coir.


Well-Known Member
I'd do what Vindicated said and only use WATER for the next couple of weeks. Watch them closely though. If they start to brown/burn more then I'd get worried. Maybe start germinating some more just in case?

*and yeah, fuck transplanting. They're so young... those roots would rip to shreds.
I'd do what Vindicated said and only use WATER for the next couple of weeks. Watch them closely though. If they start to brown/burn more then I'd get worried. Maybe start germinating some more just in case?

*and yeah, fuck transplanting. They're so young... those roots would rip to shreds.
yeah ive got some germinating atm aha i thought of that if they fuck up, but i did transplant them with normal soil and i dident fuck up the roots i got the soil of around them with water so if they are on there side tommorw morning ill just have to put more in :D but hopefully they will make it, weed is a hardy plant
They might make it if you just leave them alone and use only water for the next 3-4 weeks. Transplanting is an option, but it's risky. You have to carefully tease the roots free from the soil without damaging them.

If you have to do this when there are still a seedling, the easiest way would be to lift the container upside down and tap the soil out. It might even be useful to get a bottle of water and gently flood the soil, focusing on just where the roots are. If the roots are short it's pretty easy, but if they're long or if they've branches out, the risk of tearing them is a lot higher.

I'd only risk doing a transplant if you feel you've made a big mistake and it's your only option to save them. For your new medium I strongly suggest either Miracle Grow Seed Starting Mix, Fox Farm Light Warrior, or using pure coco coir.
made up my mind and i have transplanted them, what i did i got a pot with just normal soil with no nutes, got a bucked of water got a spoon dug deep down so i dident touch the roots and diped the plants in the water so the dirt got of, the roots was only short so it was easy, hopefully they will make it, its my first time growing indoor :D