Please help! Beginner, clones not rooting


Well-Known Member
I think my problem was the rockwool. Come to find out he didn't soak the rockwool befor taking the clones. They are doing fine I'm starting to see some activity now. Some wart looking thing on the stem where they were cut. And some of the area is turning a white color. No actual root tho.
you said in the first post that the rockwool was saturated by the water, when taking clones in rockwool you dont want them soaking wet. yes he did need to soak the rockwool first but thats to control the ph in the cubes and to get them moist for the cutting, but after ph balancing the cubes, for clones they should never be soaking wet. see Al's rockwool cloning tutorial and you will note he only dips the corners of his blocks in water for a second a day till he gets roots of course 24 hour light is okay for clones lol, though ive read some people give them 8-24 hours of dark right after they take the cuttings, but i dont and neither do most imo.


the clones will not root without a dark period. wuts your light schedule? and clones should not b under intense light. i use one 23 watt cfls for 4 clones and iv never lost a single one. if they dont have to stuggle and search for water they wont grow roots.
I have to disagree with that comment. i cloned just fine with 24 solid day light on my clones for the whole 2 weeks on my clones before droping to 18/6 and mine root just fine
This is the end of week 2 now ill take off the dome and put them on 18/6

how ever part of your theory is correct.. u dont want to try to root them under MH or HPS. HID lights will for the most part be to intense for the rooting period not to mention u will dry your medium out before before u know it..

now to the question im gonna ask is .. are u using a dome? if not get a 6" dome and using rootech cloning gel with olivias cloning solution. the gel will help roots pop and the solution will help roots thrive. this is 14 days of 24 hour light under sunblaze24 system.