Please Help, Beginning of 3rd Weed Veg


Active Member
Should i completely remove buds from the stalks to dry or should i leave them on the stalk and pierce the stalks?
i would leave them on stalks 4-6 inches long if you have not got a drying rack from a grow shop make you own

if you have a large box 2-3 foot square

a line of holes, 2 inches apart at the top of the box on both sides of the box (onsite sides so the holes line up)
do the same again every 6" down
use string to go through the holes starting from the bottom so it looks like the pic.
i would do one row at a time fill it with bud and do the next row
cut a small vent at the bottom and if you have a small fan or get one, when you have finish the box, cut a hole in the top and pull the air out the box
it will reduce the chance of bud rot and dry the bud quicker, only need a small fan like a 4" pc fan with low air flow
without the fan you could get bud root
if the temp is 22-27 could be dry in 4-5 days ready to smoke or cure
for a better smoke keep temp down to 15 c and should take round 10 days



Active Member
What about a room i have it has a tumble dryer vent and another vent at the top of the room, air flow is good in there and the temperature doesn't raise above 20
If i do it in that room i could evenly spread out the buds and have a great air flow to prevent the bud mould, i would probably just have a few strings across this small box room at the highest point for best air flow...

The tumble dryer vent is at the bottom
The other vent is at the top

should i hang lines half way through so they aren't blow directly via wind? or will it not be a problem as the vens are say metal panels that are at an up angle so it blocks direct sunlight and wind would go into the panels and then flow around it so it would be like a fan directly on the buds?


Active Member
its not good to have air blowing directly on the buds
as the outside will be dry and middle still wet
not a good smoke
but yes that room sounds good


Active Member
direct sunlight will degrade the quality of the bud,
some light will ok, but keep the light low
you should dry bud in the dark for best results


Active Member
keep your trimming and bag it up
freez it
after a few grows buy a bubble bag
and you could have your self an 1oz of bubble hash


Active Member
Pinched a nug off last night and dried it on the radiator overnight, this ak is the shit i can't wait to smoke it slow dried and cured i'm high off a spliff :o harsh tasting though!


Active Member
Pinched a nug off last night and dried it on the radiator overnight, this ak is the shit i can't wait to smoke it slow dried and cured i'm high off a spliff :o harsh tasting though!
will be a lot better when you slow dry the bud
feels good to smoke the bud you have grown


Active Member
Yeah really good lol, this ak is peak potency 100percent cloudy, i got it like this while i let the others develop more and go amber to see which i prefer but this is quiet good it's like i'm high but i can be bothered to do things


Active Member
Yeah really good lol, this ak is peak potency 100percent cloudy, i got it like this while i let the others develop more and go amber to see which i prefer but this is quiet good it's like i'm high but i can be bothered to do things
a bit like my plants, but mine smokes like a sativa and has the yield of a heavy indica in a short flower time
i am so lucky with that one, i can't even find a strain that you are meant to be able to do that with
it a real day time smoke in 8-9 weeks with over 4oz in a 3 gallon pot soil and i leave one in 1-2 weeks more, and then it a good stone/high buzz
so i will growing this for a long time

i love be high, a lot better than getting stoned


Well-Known Member
Finally found a break to sit down for 20 mins lol...

When you cut the larger branches leave some of the littler ones on it, that way you have a handy hook to hang the whole bud from :) look at the harvest section in Jorge Cervantes ultimate grow video.

@ Jason - There are a few strains like that :) Amnesia Lemon being one of them! Sour Candy has a nice sativa stone from an indica plant, AK-48 has a very sativa head high from a 6-7 week indica XD anything bred with blueberry seems to keep the sativa style stone from the blueberry mum or dad.


Active Member
Finally found a break to sit down for 20 mins lol...

When you cut the larger branches leave some of the littler ones on it, that way you have a handy hook to hang the whole bud from :) look at the harvest section in Jorge Cervantes ultimate grow video.

@ Jason - There are a few strains like that :) Amnesia Lemon being one of them! Sour Candy has a nice sativa stone from an indica plant, AK-48 has a very sativa head high from a 6-7 week indica XD anything bred with blueberry seems to keep the sativa style stone from the blueberry mum or dad.

most sites i have looked on say indica plant give you the yield and sativa plants are lower in yield but a good high buzz and take 10 weeks+
i will look at these strains later

thanks matchbox


Well-Known Member
Dude not sure if you got my last post but has soon has a seedling shows its first leaves get it under the 600 hps no need to keep swopping the lights just put the new seedlings that have just sprouted to one side of the room or tent not direct under the lights.But has soon has the 1st true leaves appear then get them under the 600 with the light about a ft from the seedling and lower through the week till the light is around 6 " of the top of the seedlings.....................................tyke


Active Member
This is my first grow and my avatar is bud so why would i be waiting for my first leaves? please learn to read if you read page 1 when there are 50 pages do you not think you are really far behind?


Well-Known Member
most sites i have looked on say indica plant give you the yield and sativa plants are lower in yield but a good high buzz and take 10 weeks+
i will look at these strains later

thanks matchbox
Generally speaking that's right, which is why I use awesome hybrids, the good ones give you the utter best of both worlds, takes a while to find them though and get good pheno's but once you do they're beautiful... (I've just been lucky and got the good pheno's off the bat)


Active Member
the thing is, whats the chance i can get better plants
last grow i got over 550g under a 600w in 9 weeks in soil, ok i had a big footprint
but i had a low number of plants


Well-Known Member
the thing is, whats the chance i can get better plants
last grow i got over 550g under a 600w in 9 weeks in soil, ok i had a big footprint
but i had a low number of plants
Nice... is that dry weight? how many plants lol...

I just like mixing it up, if I have 10oz of one flavour I tend to get a bit fed up of it (except lemon, god that stuffs tasty) so I do different strains each grow. Though I might start keeping 3 mums or something and just flower the clones :)

I don't even know where I'm going with my setup anymore I've just built a new box in the old space I used to use, it's bigger than the one I'm now using, mainly 'cause it was mega stealth, no-one could tell it was there, and I'm just vegging into a screen. I seem to prefer my long veg screen training over lots of rooted clones straight to flower, I just don't have space for all the rooted clones I'd need to fill the screen.